DNP 816 Quantitative Research Critique Essay
DNP 816 Quantitative Research Critique Essay
This assignment will consist of a quantitative article critique with a focus on the methods, statistics, analysis and interpretation. It will be important to analyze and evaluate the article not just summarize – for example it is not enough to say the sample size was adequate. You should state the sample size and state why you know it was adequate. Do NOT cut/paste from the article- this is YOUR interpretation and analysis of the article. If you use Polit or another source to substantiate your comment, then reference the source. Do not include quotes in the critique.
If you want more specifics to help you with the critique: check out Polit & Beck, (2017) on p:291 (304 in 2021 ed)- guideline for critiquing data collection plans in quantitative studies and structured data collection methods; p. 371- guideline for critiquing descriptive studies (p. 381), p. 399-guideline for critiquing bivariate inferential analyses (p. 408), p. 457- guideline for critiquing interpretations in discussion sections of quantitative research reports (p.465). These guidelines break down the components of the critique process for quantitative research.
Write your critique directly into the rubric. Do not do it in paragraph form.
FAQ on Critique
Here are answers to questions students have asked about the Critique:
1. For our Quantitative Critique, is this supposed to be in paragraph/paper form? Or are we to fill out the rubric with our responses like the example does? You can use either method. You can fill in the rubric or you can use paragraph form- whichever way you prefer as long as you address the areas. Check with your faculty for their preferences.
2. If we are using the rubric table to enter our findings do we need to cite the article beside each set of answers or do we use citations only if we used another source to answer a question? The example didn’t list any citations or references so I just wanted to clarify. I am not using direct quotes but the answers do come from the research paper. Answer: When you complete the critique include the citation at the top of the page. Since a critique is by its very definition about a specific article, once you do that you have indicated where the information came from. Only if you use an outside reference to make a point (you don’t have to do this), do you need to reference any other document.
Effects of Using Simulation Versus CD-ROM in the Performance of Ultrasound-Guided Regional Anesthesia John Gasko, CRNA, DNP Arthur “Don” Johnson, RN, PhD, Coi(ret), USAFR, NC John Sherner, CRNA, MSN, COL(ret), ANC, USA John Craig, CRNA, DNP Brian Gegel, CRNA, MSN James Bürgert, CRNA, MSNA CPT Samuel Sama, RN, BSN, ANC, USA 1LT Thomas Franzen, RN, BSN, ANC, USA The purpose of this study was to determine which A repeated-measures analysis of variance indicated method of teaching, CD-ROM, simulation, or a com- that the combination was significantly better than bination of both, was more effective in increasing the the CD-ROM and simulation (P < .05). The means and performance of ultrasound-guided regional anesthe- standard deviations for pretest and posttest results, respectively, were: CD-ROM, 33±7%,41 ± 9%; simulasia. No studies have investigated these methods. The framework for this study was critical thinking. tion, 35 ± 10%, 49 ± 13%; and combination, 36 ± 8%, The study was a prospective, mixed (between and 64 ± 17%. The baseline for each group was 0. Use of within) subjects, experimental design. The sample a combination of CD-ROM and simulation should be consisted of 29 student registered nurse anesthetists considered in teaching ultrasound-guided regional randomly assigned to T of 3 groups: CD-ROM (n = 11),anesthesia techniques. simulation (n = 11), and combination (n = 7). DNP 816 Quantitative Research Critique Essay
All groups were evaluated by the use of cadavers before and 2 months after the intervention using a valid and reliable Keywords: CD-ROM, human simulation, ultrasoundinstrument of performance. guided regional anesthesia. U ltrasound-guided regional anesthesia (UGRA) is a new and exciting technology that may become the standard of care, particularly in the military. Military Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetists (CRNAs) and faculty teaching military student registered nurse anesthetists subscribe to the proposition that graduates should have the skills necessary for performance of UGRA and that it should be part of the practice for CRNAs in addition to traditional methods of peripheral nerve blockade. Military student registered nurse anesthetists have extensive education in the practice of both traditional regional anesthesia and UGRA as well as ample opportunities to practice these skills in their clinical practicums. As a result, educational guidelines and prospective outcomes studies are required to develop curricular requirements that will maximize clinical benefits. However, it is not known what type of teaching strategies provide the best method of teaching the use of ultrasound in successfully Implementing regional anesthesia. Simulation may be an effective method of teaching UGRA. Simulation is defined as a realistic representation (model) of the real-world dynamics or processes that reflect or parallel patient scenarios.’Jeffries^ emphasizes that simulation is a teaching strategy that can be used to facilitate making connections between and among concepts through a process that actively engages students in learning. According to Kaakinen and Arwood,” such a strategy facilitates learning skills and knowledge. DNP 816 Quantitative Research Critique Essay
The theoretical framework used for this project was critical thinking. Critical thinking is a process of seeking information, collecting data, discriminating between relevant and nonrelevant data, analyzing situations, applying standards of care, using logical reasoning, and performing the appropriate skills. For the purposes of this study, critical thinking was defined as the process of correctly identifying the proper surface landmarks, verbalizing the surgical indications (dermatomes blocked, type of surgery for which this block is recommended), performing correct manipulation with the ultrasound probe, correctly identifying the proper ultrasound landmarks, using ultrasound, and correctly inserting needles for 4 nerve blocks (interscalene, supraclavicular, infraclavicular, and axillary). S56 AANA Journal • August 2012 • Vol. 80, No. 4 • Special Research Edition Review of the Literature Very little prospective, randomized, experimental research exists on the use of simulation as a teaching method, and, to the authors’ knowledge, no studies have compared the use of CD-ROM with simulation relative to performance of UGRA. A wealth of literature addresses the value of using simulation as a teaching method but fails to use a rigorous research design. Korndorffer and colleagues’* found that simulation showed a significant improvement in overall scores from baseline for performing laparoscopic suturing, but they did not compare simulation with any other teaching method. Rauen^ found that simulation as a method of teaching allows learners to apply theory to practice in an integrated manner. Furthermore, she found that a simulator has the capacity to demonstrate more than a single event or parameter at a time, which allows participants to identify relationships that are essential and common to clinical practice. She found that the evaluation of the simulation sessions were universally positive. Because of the use of simulation, students became confident and were able to demonstrate skills learned. However, Rauen did not compare the simulation approach with any other method or with a control group. Ben-Menachem and colleagues^ investigated the use of objective structured clinical examination (simulation) to assess trainees’ level of professional competence in regional anesthesia before their taking the national board examination. They found that, “testing formats that more closely reflect clinical practice are potentially valuable adjuncts to traditional examinations.”^ In 2008, Johnson and colleagues” investigated the effectiveness of using the simulation compared with a CD-ROM group in teaching care of patients exposed to chemical warfare agents for military nurses. They found that there were no significant differences in lower-level cognition between the 2 approaches, but that simulation was more effective relative to higher-level cognition and critical thinking. DNP 816 Quantitative Research Critique Essay