Assignment: What is Social Stratification?

Assignment: What is Social Stratification?

Assignment: What is Social Stratification?

What is Social Stratification? How, or in what ways, does our nation stratify large groups of people? (List a minimum of 3 ways). Based off of the meaning of Social Stratification, explain in your own words how our nation does this. Provide details to support your response.

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Assignment 2


Complete the “Moving up from the working class DQ.docx” attached.

Reading 34 DQ/ Moving Up from the Working Class, Morris & Grimes 1) What is the focus of the article? Who did they study, and what were participants asked to contribute? Pg. 383 2) How did the authors apply “culture shock” to their research participants? 3) Discuss what Bourdieu meant by the three forms of capital? (Economic, Cultural, and Social) pgs. 384-391 4) Discuss what the authors say about the American Dream, and how the author further discusses meritocracy? (Discuss the myth) PG. 388-389 5) What was the typical scenario for a girl growing up in a working-class family as mentioned by the author? Pg. 392-393 Global Stratification (Henslin, 2015) Professor Arellano Social Stratification • Social Stratification: (a ranking system) – a system in which groups of people are divided into layers according to their relative property, power, and prestige – In what ways can you think of does our nation stratify people? Let’s discuss as a class Karl Marx: The Means of Production • Means of Production o Bourgeoisie o Proletariat • Lumpenproletariats: beggars, vagrants, and criminals o Marx did not consider this group as a social class, nor did he consider self employed professionals as a social class. Why? • Class Consciousness • False Class Consciousness Max Weber: Property, Power, and Prestige • Weber critiqued Marx: Property is only one component to social class. o Property (or wealth) o Power o Prestige Weber’s 3 components of Social Class • Property → can bring Power or Prestige o Example: The wealthy men who become presidents. o Prestige → can bring Power or Property o Example: Arnold Schwarzenegger → Governor of California (2003-2011) Weber’s 3 components of Social Class con’t… • Power→ Can bring Property or Prestige o Example: Crooked Politicians DQ: Marx & Weber • Now that we have discussed Marx and Weber, discuss how these two theorist differed in relation to social class in your words. • Discuss with a peer seated next to you. The Functionalist View: Motivating Qualified People • Davis and Moore’s Explanation o In order to function, positions must be filled o Some positions are more important than others o More important positions need to be filled by more qualified people o To motive the most qualified, greater rewards are needed The Functionalist View: The Critique • Assignment: What is Social Stratification?

Tumin’s Critique o Major flaws in Functionalist Perspective Stratification/Activity • Each student will be given colored stickers, and will apply them to the chart. • Once this is complete, reflect on the chart, what strikes you the most in relation to privileged vs. less privileged? • What can we do as a society to help mitigate these varying levels of privilege? • What can you do as students, and what can educational institutions do to promote more equity in their respective institutions? How can you use your privilege to help others who do share the same privileges you have? Systems of Social Stratification/ Slavery • Slavery oCauses oConditions Systems of Social Stratification/ Slavery ▪ Slavery in the New World o An “Ideology” (beliefs) was developed by slave owners to justify their social arrangements ▪ Slavery Today ❑Enslavement of children for work and sex ▪ Bonded Labor During my research in India, I interviewed this 8-year-old girl. Mahashury is a bonded laborer who was exchanged by her parents for a 2,000 rupee loan (about $14). To repay the loan, Mahashury must do construction work for one year. She will receive one meal a day and one set of clothing for the year. Because this centuries-old practice is now illegal, the master bribes Indian officials, who inform him when they are going to inspect the construction site. He then hides his bonded laborers. I was able to interview and photograph Mahashury because her master was absent the day I visited the construction site. DQ: Thinking Critically • What is a bonded laborer? • What do you think Mahashury’s situation of being a bonded laborer? • What can we do about child labor in society, or can we? Do you think it will always exist in society, and to what extent? Why or why not? In a caste system, status is determined by birth and is lifelong. At birth, these women received not only membership in a lower caste but also, because of their gender, a predetermined position in that caste. When I photographed these women, they were carrying sand to the second floor of a house being constructed in Andhra Pradesh, India. Global Stratification & the Status of Females • Women Assignment: What is Social Stratification?

• In every society gender is a basis of social stratification • Gender cuts across all systems of social stratification (slavery, estate, caste, or class) Systems of Social Stratification/ Estate • • • • Nobility Clergy Commoners Women Systems of Social Stratification/ Class • Class System More Open • Social Mobility Rape: Blaming the Victim & Protecting the Caste System • Review the Cultural Diversity Box on pg. 199 briefly. • Get into groups • Discuss the 5 questions in the For Your Consideration Box. Prestige can sometimes be converted into property. Shown here is “Snooki” Polizzi, a reality television star, in one of her attempts to do this. These photos illustrate the contrasting worlds of social classes produced by early capitalism. The photo on the left was taken in 1911 at a canning factory in Port Royal, South Carolina. The two girls on the left are 6 years old; the one on the right is 10. They worked full time shucking oysters and did not go to school. The photo on the right was taken in the late 1800s. The children on the right, Cornelius and Gladys Vanderbilt, are shown in front of their parents’ estate. They went to school and did not work. You can see how the social locations illustrated in these photos would have produced different orientations to life and, therefore, politics, ideas about marriage, values, and so on—the stuff of which life is made. The Global Superclass

Assignment: What is Social Stratification?

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