BSN437 HEALTH ASSESSMENT All Modules Discussions Essay
BSN437 HEALTH ASSESSMENT All Modules Discussions Essay
Module 1 Discussion
DQ1 Discuss the demographics of the area in which you live. Choose one of the ethnic groups in your area. Develop a list with rationales of appropriate cross-cultural considerations that relate to the interview and physical assessment process. Discuss health promotion opportunities that relate to protective and predictive factors within the selected ethnic population.
DQ2 Select a family with one member between the ages of 5-17 years of age and a second member between the ages of 21-59 years of age. Complete the Nutritional Assessment for each member. Collect and summarize at least 4 subjective and 8 objective elements for each person you are interviewing. Create an actual or potential problem list for each person you are interviewing with at least three problems.
Module 2 Discussion – BSN437 HEALTH ASSESSMENT All Modules Discussions
DQ1 Complete the History Assignment for Tina Jones before completing the discussion question. Your response to the discussion questions will be based on the findings in the Shadow Health assessments.
Reminder – You must submit the assessment to receive credit for the activity. Assessments that have not been submitted cannot be verified as complete.
In the health history, Tina informed you about her acute foot pain resulting from her infected wound. Identify two SMART goals for Tina and two evidence-based practice nursing interventions, with rationales for each that relate to this assessment. If you were to perform this exam within tight time constraints, what tasks, questions and assessments should you identify as priorities for Tina?
Include a minimum of two references to support your evidence-based plan. Support your discussion and opinions with facts, relevant examples from personal nursing practice, and at least two citations from the reading or peer-reviewed professional nursing literature. Remember to use APA 6th edition formatting for all discussion posts and reference citations.
DQ2 Discuss how effective communication with the previous nurse during shift change improves patient safety by preventing errors. What can you do to track safety standards and prevent errors due to miscommunication? Has your experience with Tina Jones changed your values or feelings about your communication skills or knowledge? Support your discussion and opinions with facts, relevant examples from personal nursing practice, and at least two citations from the reading or peer-reviewed professional nursing literature. Remember to use APA 6th edition formatting for all discussion posts and reference citations.
Module 3 Discussion
Complete the HEENT Assignment and Skin, Hair, & Nails Assignment for Tina Jones before completing the discussion question. Base your response to the discussion on the findings in the Shadow Health assessments.
After your HEENT and Skin, Hair, & Nails assessment of Tina, what would you include in your end of shift report that relate to the HEENT assessment and the Skin, Hair & Nails assessment performed? Identify two SMART goals for Tina and two evidence-based practice nursing interventions, with rationales for each that relate to this assessment.
Module 4 Discussion (BSN437 HEALTH ASSESSMENT All Modules Discussions)
Complete the Respiratory Assignment for Tina Jones, including the Sounds Lab, before completing the discussion question. Base your response to the discussion questions on the findings in the Shadow Health assessments.
After your respiratory assessment of Tina, differentiate the expected (normal) findings to the findings of Tina Jones’ breathing pattern. Then, identify two SMART goals for Tina that you base upon your respiratory assessment with two evidence-based nursing interventions for each. Support your discussion and opinions with facts, relevant examples from personal nursing practice, and at least two citations from the reading or peer-reviewed professional nursing literature. Remember to use APA 6th edition formatting for all discussion posts and reference citations.
Module 5 Discussion
DQ1 Complete the Cardiovascular Assignment for Tina Jones before completing the discussion question. Base your response to the discussion questions on the findings in the Shadow Health assessments.
After your cardiovascular assessment of Tina, what would you include in your end of shift report that relates to the cardiovascular assessment? Use your findings to identify two SMART goals for Tina with two evidence-based nursing interventions for each. How will you know if your intervention worked?
DQ2 Complete the focused exam: Chest Pain on Brian Foster before completing the discussion question. Base your response to the discussion questions on the findings in the Shadow Health assessments.
After completing the assessments, discuss the priority questions and assessments that you perform for Brian’s chest pain. Detail the differences in your approach to the cardiovascular assessment and questioning with Tina and Brian. Discuss any abnormal findings you identify and indicated follow up. Support your discussion and opinions with facts, relevant examples from personal nursing practice, and at least two citations from the reading or peer-reviewed professional nursing literature. Remember to use APA 6th edition formatting for all discussion posts and reference citations.
Module 6 Discussion
DQ1 Complete the Abdominal Assignment for Tina Jones before completing the discussion question. Your response to the discussion questions will be based on the findings in the Shadow Health assessments.
Reflect on your abdominal assessment findings for Tina. Relate expected or normal findings to the findings described. Discuss any additional information that needs to be collected. Describe the priority health promotion opportunities with rationale. Support your discussion and opinions with facts, relevant examples from personal nursing practice, and at least two citations from the reading or peer-reviewed professional nursing literature. Remember to use APA 6th edition formatting for all discussion posts and reference citations.
DQ2 Complete the focused exam: Abnormal Pain on Esther Park before completing the discussion question. Base your response to the discussion questions on the findings in the Shadow Health assessments.
After completing the assessments, discuss the priority questions and assessments you performed for Esther’s abdominal pain. Detail the differences in your approach to the abdominal assessment and questioning with Tina and Esther. Discuss any abnormal findings and follow up you identified. Support your discussion and opinions with facts, relevant examples from personal nursing practice, and at least two citations from the reading or peer-reviewed professional nursing literature. Remember to use APA 6th edition formatting for all discussion posts and reference citations.
Module 7 Discussion
After your musculoskeletal and neurological assessment of Tina, what would you include in your end of shift report that relates to your assessment findings? If you were to perform this exam within tight time constraints, what tasks, questions and assessments are priorities for Tina? Discuss two patient education/health promotion topics for Tina that relate to the musculoskeletal and neurological system. Support your discussion and opinions with facts, relevant examples from personal nursing practice, and at least two citations from the reading or peer-reviewed professional nursing literature. Remember to use APA 6th edition formatting for all discussion posts and reference citations.
Module 8 Discussion – BSN437 HEALTH ASSESSMENT All Modules Discussions
Complete the focused assessment in Shadow Health on Danny Rivera. Base your response to the discussion questions on the findings in the Shadow Health assessment.
Describe any abnormal findings you identified in Danny’s assessment. Discuss how the adult and child assessment differ, including communication and approach for obtaining subjective and objective data from the pediatric client. Address the role of the parent/care giver in the care of the child throughout the pediatric age range.
Respond to two peers, including at least one in-text citation from one resource.