Cases by City and Ages Impact Report Essay

Cases by City and Ages Impact Report Essay

Epidemiological information is an essential aspect of the current healthcare system since it informs evidence-based strategies and measures for preventing, treating, and containing the disease. Also, information regarding diseases’ prevalence, incidences, and mortality rates enables healthcare professionals to leverage predictive models to predict transmission patterns and identify at-risk populations. This report aims to utilize datasets for a viral disease to identify its prevalence, affected cities, and the impacted ages.

Cases by City

Figure 1: Cases by City

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What are the top 5 cities for infected cases?

The dataset presents cases of the virus across cities in the United States as of April 2017. Although each city is susceptible to the viral disease, they demonstrate varying susceptibility regarding its prevalence. In the 52 cities represented by the dataset, Jacksonville, Miami, Phoenix, Austin, and Houston are the top 5 cities in terms of a high prevalence rate of the disease as of April 2017.

How many infected cases does each of those cities have?

Jacksonville is the leading city regarding the disease’s prevalence with 322 cases. Miami comes second with 299 cases, followed by Phoenix in third place with 289 cases. Austin, Texas is the fourth city with 281, while Houston, Texas is fifth with 272 cases. It is essential to note that these cases are uneven across age groups.

What is the prevalence rate per 100000 people?

Prevalence is the proportion of people with a condition/disease at a specific time or a period (Tenny & Hoffman, 2020). In this sense, it is possible to calculate the prevalence rate of disease by dividing the total number of people with the disease by the total at-risk population. Therefore, prevalence= (total number of people with a condition or a disease)/ (population at risk for the disease). When considering this formula, it is possible to compute the disease’s prevalence in the top 5 cities by considering the number of cases against the total estimated population.

  • The estimated population for Jacksonville in 2017 was 867313 (United States Census Bureau, n.d.). Therefore, the disease’s prevalence is: (322/867313×100000) =37.13, which is equivalent to 37 cases per 100000.
  • The estimated population for Miami city in 2017 was 443007; therefore, the disease’s prevalence rate is: (299/443007×100000) =67.49, which is equivalent to 67 cases per 100000.
  • In Phoenix, Arizona, the estimated population as of 2017 was 1574000, while the disease’s cases were 289. The prevalence rate is: (289/1574000×100000) =18.36, which is equivalent to 18 cases per 100000.
  • The estimated population for Austin, Texas in 2017 was 916,906. Therefore, the approximate disease prevalence is: (281/916906×100000) =30.64, which is equivalent to 31 cases per 100000 people.
  • Finally, the estimated population for Houston in 2017 was 2,267,000. The approximate disease prevalence as of April 2017 is: (272/2267000×100000) =11.998, which is equivalent to 12 cases per 100000.

What else can be deducted after evaluating the chart?

After reviewing the chart representing the disease’s prevalence across cities in the United States, it is valid to contend that population density is a profound factor in the disease’s prevalence. In this sense, the top 5 cities are densely populated, meaning the proximity of people and the subsequent contact with susceptible individuals may contribute to a high prevalence rate of the disease. According to Irandoost et al. (2021), the transmission of viral diseases can occur due to various neighborhood factors, including crowded areas and inadequately ventilated areas. Therefore, it is possible to link the disease’s prevalence and dense population, alongside neighborhood determinants of health.

Ages Impacted

Figure 2: Ages Affected

Which age groups were most affected?

Besides the total number of cases in each city, the dataset presents the disease’s prevalence rate per age demographic. In this sense, it is possible to identify the at-risk age groups. In the top 5 cities, people under 18 years and over 60 years are the most vulnerable populations. Collectively, the two age brackets account for 1167 out of 1463 total disease cases in Jacksonville, Miami, Phoenix, Austin, and Houston.

Which age group is least affected?

Conversely, the least affected age groups are 19-30 and 30-60 years. In the top 5 cities, the two age groups account for 299 cases (85 for 19-30 and 214 cases for people aged 30-60years). Across the two age groups, people aged 30-60 years are more susceptible to the disease than people aged 18-30 years.

What is the prevalence rate per age demographic?

It is possible to compute the prevalence rate per age demographic by dividing the total number of cases per age group by the total cumulative cases across all ages and then multiplying with 100 to generate percentages. While using data from the top 5 cities (Jacksonville, Miami, Phoenix, Austin, and Houston), the prevalence rate per age demographic would be:

  • <18 years: (657/1463×100) =44.91%
  • 18-30 years: (85/1463×100) =5.81%
  • 30-60 years: (214/1463×100) =14.63%
  • 60+ years: (507/1463×100) =34.65%

What else can be deducted after evaluating the chart?

Based on the datasets for age-related disease prevalence, it is valid to argue that this viral disease’ prevalence is consistent with advancing age and other age-related issues such as immunity. For instance, people under 18 years and older adults aged over 60 years are the most susceptible age groups for the disease in the top 5 cities. This factor may inform the contention that an individual’s immunity is a profound determinant of the disease’s prevalence and manifestation. Another consideration that supports this contention is that people aged 18-30 years are the least affected age group. Generally, this group is physically active and stronger in terms of immunity.

Secondly, it is possible to present the viral disease as a progressive condition whose manifestation is consistent with advancing age. This factor can explain why people aged 30-60 years are less susceptible to the disease than older adults aged over 60 years. Finally, another premise to support the variations regarding the disease’s prevalence across age groups is the general perspective that young people are unwilling to participate in early disease screening and detection. In this sense, the unwillingness to participate in early screening and detection can lead to the disease’s progress and the subsequent late manifestation.


Irandoost, K., Alizadeh, H., Yousefi, Z., & Shahmoradi, B. (2022). Spatial analysis of population density and its effects during the Covid-19 pandemic in Sanandaj, Iran. Journal of Asian Architecture and Building Engineering, 1–8.

Tenny, S., & Hoffman, M. R. (2020). Prevalence. StatPearls Publishing.

United States Census Bureau. (n.d.). U.S. Census Bureau Quick facts: United States.




MHACB/507 Competency 2 Assessment and Rubric

Course Title: Leveraging Informatics in the Health Sector

Competency Assessment Title: Cases by City and Ages Impacted Report

Assignment Directions

Every health care organization collects data from its patients, and with the access to this data comes the responsibility of securing and using them in applications that are ethical, legal, and with studied outcomes. While organizational health information management supports many of these responsibilities, the decision-makers ultimately shape an organization and its future. In this assessment, you will analyze the provided data and consider its potential impact in the scenario.

Part 1: Cases by City

Read the following scenario:

Data has been collected to identify specific cases of people who are infected with a dangerous virus. Your organization has an interest in knowing where the population is most affected in an effort to move resources to areas that need them.

Create a bar chart using Microsoft Excel® and the data provided in the Cases by City spreadsheet to identify the cities with the highest counts of cases.

Write a 525- to 700-word analysis of the data. Include an answer to the following questions:

  • What are the top 5 cities for infected cases?
  • How many infected cases does each of those cities have?
  • What is the prevalence rate per 100,000 people?
  • What else can be deduced after evaluating the chart?

Include your bar chart with the analysis.

Part 2: Ages Impacted

Now that we know where the outbreaks are located, your organization wants to know more about who it affects. The age of the patient will determine what kind of resources will be needed in those areas.

Create a side-by-side bar graph using Microsoft Excel and the data provided in the Ages Impacted spreadsheet to identify the age groups affected by the virus.

Note: This information will be used for further analysis in future assessments.

Write a 525- to 700-word analysis of the data. Include an answer to the following questions:

  • Which age groups are most affected?
  • Which age groups are least affected?
  • What is the prevalence rate per age demographic?
  • What else can be deduced after evaluating the chart? Include your side-by-side bar graph with the analysis. Format your citations according to APA guidelines.

Compile Part I and Part II into a report that could be submitted to the leadership in your organization.

Submit your assignment.


Competency Assessment Rubric

Assignment/Performance Criteria Mastery 100% Meets Expectations 85% Not Met 0%
1. Part 1: Create a bar chart. (weight 20%) The report included a detailed bar chart using Microsoft Excel and the data provided in the Cases by City document to identify the cities with the highest counts of cases. The report included a satisfactorily detailed bar chart using Microsoft Excel and the data provided in the Cases by City document to identify the cities with the highest counts of cases. No bar chart was included.
2. Part 1: Analyze the affected cities data.

(weight 30%)

Comprehensively analyzed the data for the top five cities for infected cases detailing how many infected cases each of those cities has and the prevalence rate per 100,000 people and included a thorough discussion of additional information deduced after evaluating the chart Adequately analyzed the data for the top five cities for infected cases detailing how many infected cases each of those cities has and the prevalence rate per 100,000 people and included an adequate discussion of additional information deduced after evaluating the chart Did not analyze the data for the infected cities
3. Part 2: Create a side-by- side bar graph.

(weight 20%)

The report included a detailed side-by-side bar graph using Microsoft Excel and the data provided in the Ages Impacted document to identify the age groups affected by the virus. The report included a satisfactorily detailed side-by-side bar graph using Microsoft Excel and the data provided in the Ages Impacted document to identify the age groups affected by the virus. No bar graph was included.
4. Part 2: Analyze the affected age groups data.

(weight 25%)

Comprehensively analyzed the data for which age groups are most/least affected detailing the prevalence rate per age demographic and included a thorough discussion of additional information deduced after evaluating the chart Adequately analyzed the data for which age groups are most/least affected detailing the prevalence rate per age demographic and included an adequate discussion of additional information deduced after evaluating the chart Did not analyze the data for age groups


Assignment/Performance Criteria Mastery 100% Meets Expectations 85% Not Met 0%
5. Grammar and Writing Mechanics

(weight 3%)

Accuracy in grammar, sentence structures, sentence boundaries, and word choice enhanced content. Rare inaccuracies/errors in grammar, sentence structures, sentence boundaries, and word choice did not detract from the content. Occasional or frequent inaccuracies/errors in grammar, sentence structures, sentence boundaries, and word choice detracted from the content.
6. APA guidelines

(weight 2%)

Thoroughly formatted according to APA guidelines using correct APA citation of sources Partially formatted according to APA guidelines using satisfactorily correct APA citation of sources Minimally formatted according to APA guidelines and included incorrect APA citations of sources


Assignment Directions
Every health care organization collects data from its patients, and with the access to this data comes the responsibility of securing and using them
in applications that are ethical, legal, and with studied outcomes. While organizational health information management supports many of these
responsibilities, the decision-makers ultimately shape an organization and its future. In this assessment, you will analyze the provided data and
consider its potential impact in the scenario.
Part 1: Cases by City
Read the following scenario:
Data has been collected to identify specific cases of people who are infected with a dangerous virus. Your organization has an interest in knowing
where the population is most affected in an effort to move resources to areas that need them.
Create a bar chart using Microsoft Excel® and the data provided in the Cases by City spreadsheet to identify the cities with the highest counts of
Write a 525- to 700-word analysis of the data. Include an answer to the following questions:
• What are the top 5 cities for infected cases?
• How many infected cases does each of those cities have?
• What is the prevalence rate per 100,000 people?
• What else can be deduced after evaluating the chart?
Include your bar chart with the analysis.
Part 2: Ages Impacted
Now that we know where the outbreaks are located, your organization wants to know more about who it affects. The age of the patient will
determine what kind of resources will be needed in those areas.
Create a side-by-side bar graph using Microsoft Excel and the data provided in the Ages Impacted spreadsheet to identify the age groups affected
by the virus.
Note: This information will be used for further analysis in future assessments.
Write a 525- to 700-word analysis of the data. Include an answer to the following questions:
MHACB/507 Competency 2 Rubric
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• Which age groups are most affected?
• Which age groups are least affected?
• What is the prevalence rate per age demographic?
• What else can be deduced after evaluating the chart?
Include your side-by-side bar graph with the analysis.
Format your citations according to APA guidelines.
Compile Part I and Part II into a report that could be submitted to the leadership in your organization.
Submit your assignment.

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Cases by City and Ages Impact Report Essay

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