CO547 Cultural Identity Presentation Paper

CO547 Cultural Identity Presentation Paper

CO547 Cultural Identity Presentation Paper

Cultural Identity Presentation

Cultural Self-Analysis – Create a PowerPoint (or similar project using a web-based platform)

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describing your cultural identity and its impact on your life and interactions with others in terms

of the following questions. Please be sure to explicitly address all of the questions in each

section. The PowerPoint/Project should flow as a narrative story rather than a question and

answer format.

 Race, Ethnicity, Geography, and National Origin

What do you identify as your national background, racial group, and ethnic identity? In

what geographic region were you reared? Are you the product of a rural or urban

environment? What values are typical of that region? Where did your ancestors come

from? Why and how did you or your ancestors come to the United States? In what ways

did you/they adjust to this new home? What aspects of your/their culture of origin were

retained? What impact does this way of entering the United States and the subsequent

adjustment have on your culture? On your identity?


 Religion and Spirituality

What was your religious affiliation (if any) during your childhood? How did this come to

be in your family? How are conflicts due to religious values resolved? What do you think

this religious preference reflects about your heritage/culture? What is your

religious/spiritual affiliation now (if any)? If it has changed, how did that transformation


 Gender and Sexuality

What are your gender and sexual orientation? How are gender and orientation

differences handled in your family of origin? How is sexism in your culture addressed?

What behaviors, characteristics, beliefs, and values are defined by gender in your

culture? How are gender roles divided? How is conflict between gender roles handled?

What are some specific rules for marriage and childrearing in your culture?

 Age and Accessibility

What is your age? Consider your interactions with your peers. Consider interactions

with those in your age group. Give two examples of how you treat those the same age

as your children or younger; your parents; your grandparents or older. How does your

age affect your experience in your family of origin? How has your degree of ability and

accessibility shaped you as a person?

 Class and Geography

What is the socioeconomic history of your family? What role or meaning does

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socioeconomics have for people with backgrounds like yours? If your socioeconomic

history is different now, how did that transformation happen? What were music, art, and

clothing preferences like in your family of origin? What were the political preferences of

your family of origin? How did this come to be in your family? What do you think this

political preference reflects about your heritage/culture? What is your political preference

now? If it has changed, how did that transformation happen?

 Personal Relationships

Think of significant people in your life when you were a child/adolescent (i.e.

parents/guardians, close relatives, teachers, clergy, siblings, etc.). What do you

remember about their attitudes and feelings toward multicultural and diverse

populations? How were racism, heterosexism, genderism, ageism, classism, etc.

addressed? What did you overhear them saying about multicultural and diverse groups?

Who determined the “social norms” and “rules” of your family? How were they enforced?

How were they passed to younger members of the family/group? What events can you

remember that involved personal contact with diverse groups? What were/are your

thoughts, feelings, and reactions? How many of your close, long-time friends were

members of multicultural and diverse groups? In what ways, if any, were these

friendships different from other friendships you have with friends who reflect your own

cultural groups? What significant events have affected your family and those closest to


 Group Membership

When did you first become aware that you were a member of each of the groups that

have shaped your identity, whether you chose to embrace or reject those aspects?

Please add any other information you think is pertinent to your cultural identity.

Each presentation should look like this:


Introductory text for the entire PowerPoint/Project goes here.

Race, Ethnicity, Geography, and National Origin

Witty and insightful text goes here.

Religion and Spirituality

Witty and insightful text goes here.

Gender and Sexuality

Witty and insightful text goes here.

Age and Accessibility

Witty and insightful text goes here.

Class and Geography

Witty and insightful text goes here.

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Personal Relationships

Witty and insightful text goes here.

Group Membership

Witty and insightful text goes here.


Concluding text for the entire PowerPoint/Project goes here.

Please refer to the APA 6 manual for details and examples for citing references. Since this is

primarily a personal narrative, I do not expect a reference page or citations unless you are

drawing facts and opinions from other sources.

CACREP Standards Addressed: 2F.2.b, 2F.2.e and 2F.2.g

Scoring Guidelines

Points available: 100.

Components Unacceptable Revisions Required Target

Introduction Establishes historical

background and defensible

thesis that supports a logical

line of reasoning (CACREP

2F.2.b, 2F.2.e, 2F.2.g)

Underdeveloped introduction; reason for

culture selection is unclear or missing;

historical background is inaccurate or missing (0


Coherent introduction that includes a reason for culture selection;

historical background is accurate but limited (5


Engaging, well developed introduction that includes a detailed

reason for culture selection; historical

background is accurate and thorough (10 points)

Content Each component of the

cultural identity is

thoroughly addressed and

answers to all questions are

provided (CACREP 2F.2.b,

2F.2.e, 2F.2.g)

Responses are missing for one or more

components; confusion about or

misunderstanding of topic; no sense of purpose (0 points)

Responses to each component are included,

but are simplistic and unfocused; limited sense

of purpose (10 points)

Developed responses to each component; represents sound

understanding of the assigned topic; focused

(20 points)

Ideas, Support & Development

Supports ideas and reflections using specific and relevant examples of


(CACREP 2F.2.b, 2F.2.e, 2F.2.g)

No or limited evidence/experiences

are provided to support ideas and reflections;

evidence is incomplete, incorrect, oversimplified, or disconnected from the

context (0 points)

Provides necessary evidence/experiences to

support ideas and reflections; the

importance/relevance of all pieces of

evidence/experiences is unclear or under

developed but does support the ideas and reflections presented

Relies on compelling and detailed

evidence/experiences to support ideas and

reflections; the importance/relevance of

all pieces of evidence/experiences is clearly stated; considers alternate interpretations of evidence/experiences

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Components Unacceptable Revisions Required Target

and is placed properly within the context (10


to enhance demonstration of cultural intelligence (20 points)

Conclusion Establishes clear conclusion

based upon


(CACREP 2F.2.d, 2F.2.g)

Missing or no connection of evidence and analysis to the reflections; fails to summarize the argument

coherently (0 points)

Limited connection between evidence and analysis to reflections;

summarizes some ideas and thoughts but repeats

ideas to support reflections (5 points)

Engaging, strongly connects evidence and analysis to reflections; summarizes the main

topics without repeating previous ideas (10



Structure & Organization

Presentation has unity and coherence to accomplish the

focused purpose

No structure or series of isolated ideas (0 points)

Organization is confusing or disjointed;

transitions are missing or inappropriate (5 points)

Clear organizational structure; easily followed;

includes transitions; structured format (10


Sentence Structure Demonstrates varied

sentence structures to enhance meaning

Contains multiple and serious errors of

sentence structure: i.e. fragments, run-ons;

unable to write simple sentences (0 points)

Formulaic sentence patterns or overuse of

simple sentences; errors in sentence structure (5


Effective and varied sentences; errors (if

present) due to lack of careful proofreading (10


Mechanics The text has few

grammatical, spelling and punctuation errors.

Frequent errors in agreement, verb tense,

spelling, and capitalization; intrusive

and/or inaccurate punctuation;

communication is hindered (0 points)

Contains several errors in agreement, verb

tense, spelling, capitalization, and

punctuation (up to 6); errors interfere with meaning (5 points)

Virtually free of errors in agreement, verb tense, spelling, capitalization, and punctuation (no

more than 3); errors do not interfere with

meaning (10 points)

Vocabulary & Word Usage

Uses extended and appropriate vocabulary

Vocabulary is unsophisticated; or

subject specific vocabulary or

sophisticated vocabulary used incorrectly (0


Proper, but simple vocabulary used; subject specific vocabulary used

infrequently (5 points)

Vocabulary is varied, specific and appropriate;

uses subject specific vocabulary correctly (10


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