Communicable Illness Essay Assignment Papers

Communicable Illness Essay Assignment Papers

Communicable Illness Essay Assignment Papers


.Dengue Fever

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.Giardiasis Acute

1.  Choose 3 population based communicable illness and prepare an analysis discussing how this 3-communicable illness affect your community and how they were identified and a plan of action to contained them base on healthy people 2020.


2.  Presentation must be in APA format word document, Arial 12 font attach to the forum/thread in the assignment tab and turnitin with a minimum of 1000 words (excluding first and references page) with a minimum of 3 evidence based references (excluding the class textbook) no older than 5 years are required.  The assignment must include the zip code of the city or county chosen.  Follow the APA example paper that was sent to you at the beginning of the course for guidance.  Make sure references are use according to APA guidelines and electronic references must be from reliable sources such as CDC.and on the discussion tab of the blackboard under forum/thread epidemiology assignment.

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