Community Health Eval/Epidemio HCM-530-MBOL1
Community Health Eval/Epidemio HCM-530-MBOL1
HCM 530: Term Paper Guidelines
Health care is a multidisciplinary field, e.g., there are primary care physicians, specialists, nurses, technicians, pharmacists, administrators, and others. They all work together as a single unit for common goals…”safe and quality in patient care.”
Public health is no different. Public health is also a multidisciplinary field composed of epidemiologists, environmentalists, biostatisticians, behavioral scientists, and/or health educators. Public health also includes specialists in clinical research, chronic disease, infectious disease, emergency medical services, food safety, global emergency preparedness, and response professionals. Some public health specialists focus on health disparities, international/global health, laboratory practices, maternal and child health concerns, women’s health, mental health, nutrition/dietetics, occupational health and safety, and toxicology.
Finally, there are public health officials that focus on the economics or finance, of public health and communities, in addition to public health laws and public health policies. You Decide! For your class term paper, choose a public health topic or public health profession that most interests you. Research your topic and show how your topic or profession chosen is integrated and/or has a positive effect on populations and community health. Example topics would be, Environmental: Recycling Waste, or Chronic Disease: Risk Factors and Prevention, or Biostatisticians’ Effect on Positive Social Change…or any other that relates to this class.
Term Paper Topics
You do not have to use one of these topics. If you choose a topic that is not on this list, email it
to the Professor for approval to ensure it is appropriate for the course. ? AIDS ? Air quality, indoor
? Ammonia
? Anthrax
? Arboviruses
? Arsenic
? Asbestos
? Asphalt
? Avian Flu
? Biological Agents Registry
? Biological indoor contaminants
? Bioterrorism
? Blue-green algae
? Bovine spongiform encephalopathy
? Carbon Monoxide
? CCA-treated wood
? Chemical exposure
? Chlorine
? Communicable Disease Control
? Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (CJD)
? Dioxins
? Dusty Trades (asbestos, silica)? Eastern equine encephalitis (EEE)
? e-Cycling
? Environmental contaminants
(example Oil Spills)
? Fish consumption advisories
? Fish kills
? Fish, contaminants in
? Floods – Health, Safety, Cleanup
? Flu (Seasonal)
? Formaldehyde
? Harmful Algal Blooms
? Hazardous Substances Emergency
Events Surveillance (HSEES)
? Health Hazards Control
? Hepatitis
? Hydrochloric Acid
? Indoor air pollutants
? Infection control measures
? Influenza Sentinel Surveillance
? Insect repellant safety
? Intensive Livestock Operations
? KI (potassium iodide) (DHHS Web
? Kid’s pages: Rabies (DHHS Web Site)
? La Crosse encephalitis (LAC)
? Lead
? Mad Cow disease
? Mercury in fish
? Methamphetamine Labs
? Mold & mildew
? Mosquito-borne diseases
? Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus
aureus (MRSA)
? Nitrates in well-water
? Nuclear power plants
? Occupational contaminants
? Occupational disease and injury
? Occupational Surveillance
? Ozone
? Pesticides
? Pfiesteria
? Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs)
? Potassium Iodide Program (DPH
Web Site)
? Public Health Preparedness and
? Rabies
? Rabies: kids’ pages (DHHS Web Site)
? Radon
? Salisbury asphalt plant studies
? Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome
? Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs)
? Silica
? Smallpox
? Tick-borne Illness
? Tuberculosis
? West Nile virus (WNV) Saint Leo Core Value Integration/Evaluation
In about 250 words, following the conclusion of your paper, apply the Saint Leo University core value of excellence in a brief proposal for a community health improvement initiative to turn a negative into positive regarding your chosen topic. For example, this could be an advertising campaign promoting the usage of insect repellant while outdoors. Incorporate at least one additional reference above and beyond the textbook, and cite both the textbook and your external reference(s) using
Term Paper Rubric
Component Requirement Cover Page APA Cover Page (Title, Name, Date, Class, Instructor). Quality of
(60%) The final term paper is 10-15 pages in length, not including cover and reference page. The paper will consist of concise examinations of a specific topic relative to the course content. Term papers should demonstrate a synthesis and integration of public health and the specific chosen topic concepts correctly and in an innovative way.
Saint Leo Core
At least 250 words of the total length of the paper is devoted to the application of the Saint Leo core value of excellence on your chosen topic through the creation of a community health improvement initiative proposal.
Proper writing mechanics, paraphrasing, use of quotations, proper grammar, spell check, and transitioning between subsections. Writing should be original, well paraphrased, and properly cited.
APA Paper
APA formatting is doubled-spaced, 1” margins, using proper headings and subheadings, with proper source citations on all statistics, numbers, concepts, or graphics borrowed from another author. Reference
A minimum of 5-primary or quality secondary sources that are dated, by reliable authors, or organizations. Proper references must include the author/organization, year published, title, and publication source as appropriate in APA. The reader should be able to easily find that primary
source references used. Community Health Eval/Epidemio HCM-530-MBOL1
Paper Submission
All students will submit their papers to the course Dropbox. The Dropbox is integrated with Turnitin. Please read the Academic Honesty policy. A plagiarized document will result in a minimum penalty of an “F” for the paper (zero points).
Timeliness Papers will be due 11:59 PM Sunday EST/EDT in Module 7. Late work may
cost up to (-5%) of total points earned******MUST BE ORIGINAL!!!!*********