Creation and Maintenance of The Group Discussion Essay

Creation and Maintenance of The Group Discussion Essay

Creation and Maintenance of The Group Discussion Essay

YALOM CHAPTER #8 PRESENTATION – THE SELECTION OF CLIENTS • OMOTOLU AJE, DNP • INSTRUCTOR – MS. CORTEZ-ANIMAS, PATRICIA PMHNP • NURS 6476-94L: PMHNP • UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS RIO GRANDE VALLEY • SEPTEMBER 20, 2020 OUTLINE • Selection of client overview • Criteria for exclusion • Characteristics of dropouts • Rationale for dropouts • Criteria for inclusion • Selection procedure • Summary SELECTION OF CLIENT OVERVIEW • Effectiveness of group therapy • Research indicates that group therapy is better than individual therapy • Matching Clients With Groups • Assessing Client Readiness for Group Primary Placement Considerations • Stages of Recovery • Placing Clients From Racial or Ethnic Minorities Diversity in a Broad Sense • Leader Self‐Assessment • Diversity and Placement (Yalom, 2005) CRITERIA FOR EXCLUSION • How clinicians select clients for group therapy • Considerable clinical consensus that patients are poor candidates for heterogenous group • Traits clients must possess • Situational acute crisis i.e. alcoholism, and divorce • Poor attendance i.e. heavy work demands, lack of transportation (Yalom, 2005) CHARACTERISTICS OF DROPOUTS • Lower psychological mindedness • Low critical thinking level • Lower motivation • Being reactive than reflective • Less positive emotion • Greater denial, anger, and hostility • Higher somatization • Substance abuse • Low social economic class (Yalom, 2005) RATIONALE FOR DROPOUTS • External factors • Group deviancy • Problems of intimacy • Fear of emotional contagion (Yalom, 2005) CRITERIA FOR INCLUSION • Motivation • Interpersonal domain • Loneliness • Social withdrawal • Excessive competitiveness • Ability to accept criticism • Clinician-patient relationship • Therapist’s feeling toward patient (Yalom, 2005) SELECTION PROCEDURE • Does the group satisfy personal needs?


• Satisfaction from relationships with other • Satisfaction from participation in group activities • Satisfaction from pride in group member (Yalom, 2005) SUMMARY • Selection is a deselection process • Inclusion criteria are essential • Drop out is inevitable • Exclusion criteria are essential (Gelo et al., 2015; Yalom, 2005) REFERENCES • Gelo, O., Pritz, A., & Rieken, B. (2015). Psychotherapy research foundations, process, and outcome (1st ed. 2015.). Springer Vienna. • Yalom, I. (2005). The theory and practice of group psychotherapy (5th Ed.). New York, NY: Basic Books. YALOM CHAPTER #8 PRESENTATION – THE SELECTION OF CLIENTS • OMOTOLU AJE, DNP • INSTRUCTOR – MS. CORTEZ-ANIMAS, PATRICIA PMHNP • NURS 6476-94L: PMHNP • UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS RIO GRANDE VALLEY • SEPTEMBER 20, 2020  IRENE NJENGA, FNP-BC  UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS Basic Tasks of a TherapIst – RIO GRANDE VALLEY  OLUWATOSIN ADEBIYI PMHNP-BC  11/16/2020 MSN, APRN, Tasks of a Therapist  Creation and maintenance of the group  Building a group culture  Activation and illumination of the here-and-how Creation and maintenance of the group  Solely responsible for creating and convening the group  Attends to gate keeping, Serves as a transitional object  Recognizes and deters any forces that threaten group cohesiveness  Prevents members attrition Culture Building  Shaping the dynamics and energy within the group into a therapeutic system  Creating a group that is an agent of change  Set up the situation  create an environment that builds a culture that will ultimately exert great therapeutic strength  Encourage honesty and spontaneity of expressing Activation and illumination of the here-and-how  Norms are constructed from both the expectation of the members for their group and explicit and implicit direction of their leader and more influential members  Norms are created relatively early in a group and once created its difficult to change.  There are two main roles a therapist may assume in a group in order to shape their norms 1. Technical expert 2. Model setting participant Technical Expert  Explicitly attempts to shape norms during early preparations of clients for group therapy  May include a range of explicit instructions and suggestions to subtle reinforcement techniques.  Positively reinforce behavior through verbal and non-verbal acts  Clients are encouraged to alter their behavior by observing their therapist engaging freely and without adverse effects in the desired behavior.  The leader may offer a model of nonjudgmental acceptance and appreciation of other’s strengths as well as their weaknesses to help shape the group that is health oriented  Leader sets a model of interpersonal honesty and spontaneity but also keeps in mind the current needs of the members and demonstrate behavior that is congruent with those needs Model setting participant Examples of therapeutic group Norms Selfmonitoring Self – disclosure Procedural norms The importance of the group to its members  Members as agents of help   Group works best when members appreciate the help and are also willing to help each other and not recognizing the therapist as the only source of help. Support and confrontation  It is important that members perceive their group as safe and supportive  It is always important to intervene to prevent proliferation of too much conflict too early in the group Reference Yalom, Irvin, and Molyn L., (2015). The Therapist: Basic Skills. In I. Yalom, Theory and Practice of Group Psychotherapy Creation and Maintenance of The Group Discussion

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