Exposure to Violence Through the Family or Over Media Essay Paper
Exposure to Violence Through the Family or Over Media Essay Paper
We had a new experience different than the ones we had before. We were required to engage in health promotion practice in which each group of students had to choose a health related topic to be presented and explained to the reset of the class. The synthesis of nursing and public health promotion is known as community health nursing (Quinn, 2001). Community health nursing is important because it enhance health status not only for individuals but also for group of people by rising their awareness (Gauwitz, 2007). It is also important to reflect effectively on one’s own experiences to learn from the mistakes, minimize them and maximize the quality of future experiences (Quinn, 2001). Gibbs model is one of the most common reflection models. It consists of six parts: description, feelings, evaluation, analysis, conclusion and then action plan/this structure will be followed here. Exposure to Violence Through the Family or Over Media Essay Paper
One of the best ways to get audience attraction and make them engage with you is through a PowerPoint presentation (Bartsch, & Cobern, 2003). PowerPoint presentation has several functions and befits, such as enhancing communication through visual engagement, facilitate audience understanding and seeing their reactions through their body language. Communication is a process that helps transforming information among community (Gauwitz, 2007). Cooperative teamwork and time management are important aspects of successful health promotion because it is easier to accomplish a job or a task as a team (Kalisch, et al., 2007).Cooperation is an attempt to assess each other to achieve higher goals that would be difficult, time and effort consuming, or ever impossible to accomplish them individually. Cooperation becomes easier when the team agreed on goals and objectives. Teamwork also helps strengthening social bonds and getting people to work together to manage time efficiently. Time management is necessary to set sub-goals and achieve them in a timely manner to ensure that the final goal is accomplice within the set timeframe (Peterson, 1999). Exposure to Violence Through the Family or Over Media Essay PapeR
The presentation title, parts and topics were agreed by all team members who were very cooperative and welcomed all suggestions in order to maximize the presentation quality. The content was distributed equally and that was agreed upon. Each group member was responsible to gather information through independent research. Then we made the power points together, writing brief, simple and basic information on the slides. We also tried to rely on verbal explanation and highlight the major points to not confuse the listeners or overwhelmed them. We included a video clip to maxis audience engagement and we tried to ask some questions to highlight or get audience attention. Exposure to Violence Through the Family or Over Media Essay Paper
On the presentation day, distribution of work was also well organized. Our table was prepared carefully and appropriately. We tried to take advantage of the break time to do a final practice before the presentation because we were the first group after the break. We did our best to entertain the audience and get their attraction through the show and its contents. We received compliments from our instructor about our preparation and organization. However, she mentioned that we had to work more on our eye contact. Exposure to Violence Through the Family or Over Media Essay Paper
This was my first time to deliver a presentation. I already have done one with my colleagues in the college, but tasks were differently distributed as some presented the show and some prepared the slides and contents. This time, every member was given opportunity to be a presenter and it was my first. The idea of standing in front of audience and taking responsibility in explaining certain parts of the presentation was stressful and challenging. In addition, it was concerning that one’s performance could affect the overall group grade which is not easy to be responsible for. On the other hand, I was very excited because of the exciting group I had. They were very funny and cooperative, willing to help all the time even when we faced difficulties. They were doing their best to make all members feel comfortable during task distribution and giving them chance to choose tasks based on their capability. All members have been asked to pick the part that they felt more confident about. Exposure to Violence Through the Family or Over Media Essay Paper
On the presentation day, I felt very nervous and scared as my performance can affect my partners which impacted the my performance dramatically as I started to forgot what to say. Since then, I tried to read off from the script to ensure that I cover all the content. Although it was a stressful experience, it was beneficial and I felt honored to try it and get a sense of achievement.
Exposure to Violence Through the Family or Over Media Essay Paper
One of the good things before the show which I believe was useful is confrontation because the show helps in facing colleagues and building self-confidant besides being responsible. The presentation helps in understanding the ideas and the information because it comes with slides, pictures, and videos some times which attracts the audience and got their attention. The PowerPoint presentation maximize the chance that the message will be delivered in the right way (Bartsch, & Cobern, 2003). The simplicity in the show will make you able to merge information in a quickly and easily manner. Building a team work and cooperation environment help in presentation skills. In terms of the negatives, we faced a problem in the number of the slides which would take over audience attention and to see the contents of the slides and avoid listening to the presenter what made us to minimize the contents and depend on the presenter explanation. Facing colleagues, fear from audience, inability to deliver a message, besides that the college has not qualified the students to be a continuous presenter, learning the right way to present what makes it difficult for me and the reset of students. The show or presentation is not a one-time lesson to be learned.
During the presentation, after each finished own parts, was not introducing the next presenter. We faced a timing problem because the rest of the groups had electronic problem what took longer time.Looking at the bright side, we had the time to prepare the distributions without rush or feeling hurry in timely manner because we will be the first group will present their presentation. We assured that the show contents were available and no issue to be faced while conducting the presentation. Also, we have learned how to conduct a presentation and knowing the points needed by each one.
Exposure to Violence Through the Family or Over Media Essay Paper
Our presentation was about “What is Bullying?”, what encourage it, how to stop it, and its side effects. Bullying can be defined as unwanted aggressive behavior that is observed repeatedly over a period of time among children to impose a sense of imbalanced power (Rosen,et al., 2017). It is usually difficult to avoid it, stop it or solve it which makes the person feel bad about it. Bullying can be divided into two categories. physical and verbal; by hitting, yelling, pushing or gestures. Sometimes harassments, emotionally or mockery, margining people, slandering, and sending text or emails to make the other person feel bad. Usually, bullying occurs in schools and neighborhood and even on the internet. The main causes of bullying are: personality disorders, lack of self-esteem, depression, exposure to violence through the family or over media (Einarsen, 1999). Exposure to Violence Through the Family or Over Media Essay Paper
Overall, I think our cooperative experience was successful, however, we should have done more practice in front of larger number of people to build our confidence and to get more feedback. Receiving feedback will help us to identify our weaknesses, so we can work on improving them as much as possible. As mentioned earlier, lack of eye contact was one of our group’s weaknesses. If we realized that beforehand, then we might have avoid it on the presentation day or at least tried our best to avoid it. Exposure to Violence Through the Family or Over Media Essay Paper
If it would ever happen again, personally, I will do my best to be a better presenter delivering the requested message in a better way by increasing my voice volume and using more eye contact. I will also make sure to do more practice in order to enhance my confidence on the presentation day. If I got nervous on the day, I will work hard to not let my nervousness be obvious to the audience and to not affect the clarity of my speech. Exposure to Violence Through the Family or Over Media Essay Paper