From an ethics standpoint, do you think forced/involuntary medication violates an individual?s right to refuse treatment? Nursing and Health Essay
From an ethics standpoint, do you think forced/involuntary medication violates an individual?s right to refuse treatment? Nursing and Health Essay
READ/REVIEW THE FOLLOWING RESOURCES FOR TACTIVITY:-Lecture 2 -Forced Medication after U.S. v. Sell: Fighting Your Client?s War on Drugs by Elm & Passon (in Course Documents) -Sell v. U.S: Involuntary Medication to Restore Trial CompetencyA Workable Standard? by -Gerbasi & Scott (in Course Documents) -Ohio Department of Rehabilitation and Corrections Policy 67-MNH-29 Emergency Psychotropic Medication: Emergency and Mandated (in Course Documents) -Behavioral Health Criminal Justice Ethics (in Course Documents)-Minimum of 2 scholarly library resources ****A scholarly source includes an academic journal or book, a website that is a government database, or a professional organization?s website (e.g. The Centers for Disease Control, The National Institutes of Mental Health, The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, The Department of Health and Human Services, American Psychological Association, American Counseling Association, American Medical Association, etc.)

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From an ethics standpoint, do you think forced/involuntary medication violates an individual?s right to refuse treatment? Nursing and Health Essay
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******DO NOT USE non-empirical sources such as newspapers, popular magazines, popular websites (such as webMD, Psychology Today, Wikipedia, FindLaw, Cornell Law School Legal Information Institute, PBS Frontline,etc.) and other non-research bodies for trequirement. However, if you want to include resources above and beyond the requirement, you may cite newspapers, magazines, news websites, etc. Be aware that many websites are not scholarly sources, so they may contain inaccurate information on your topic. Please be careful when looking to website for information. Make sure they contain research or are developed by professional organizations.INTRODUCTION In the criminal justice system, the rights of the government have to be balanced with the individual?s right to refuse treatment. The government has several medical and legal reasons to forcibly administer medical treatment, including psychotropic medication, to a prisoner or a defendant.The Supreme Court has examined tissue many times. States departments of correction often incorporate the law into their policies as you can see in the course document Ohio Department of Rehabilitation and Corrections Policy 67-MNH-29 ?
Emergency Psychotropic Medication: Emergency and Mandated.?All licensed professionals have codes of ethics or ethics laws that they must follow. Medical professional must comply with ethics of their state licensing board and ethical standards of practice as determined by their accrediting associations. Mental health and chemical dependency treatment professionals must follow ethical guidelines set forth by their state licensing boards and state law. Licensed attorneys at law must follow their state?s rules of professional conduct. Since judges are also licensed attorneys, they must follow the same rules. In addition, judges must also follow ethical rules of judicial conduct. State laws also contain guidelines for public officers, such as those in law enforcement. State departments of corrections have ethics policies as well. You can see where to locate some of thrules in tweek?s course document Behavioral Health Criminal Justice Ethics.Professionals must follow thethics laws or guidelines that may not be well defined. Sometimes there seems to be conflict between ethics laws or guidelines, the rights or interests of the government, and the rights of the individual. Such is the case with involuntary medication.******ACTIVITY INSTRUCTIONS***** -Write an analysis of the law regarding involuntary (or forced) medication for defendants and prisoners; look at the government?s interests in forcing medications versus the individual?s right to refuse medical treatment. Discuss the decision of Sell v. U.S. (2003) and any other cases that apply. Please include the 4 part standard that the Court discussed in Sell v. U.S. (2003).**** IN ADDITION, PLEASE ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS:1)From an ethics standpoint, do you think forced/involuntary medication violates an individual?s right to refuse treatment? Why or why not? Analyze what codes of ethics and/or rules are considered in tsituation (medical, mental health treatment providers, legal, law enforcement, corrections, etc.) and who may be violating ethical rules or laws. See Behavioral Health Criminal Justice Ethics. 2)Should the courts be able to force a defendant to take medication? What about a prisoner? Why or why not? 3)Should the standards be different than what they are now? Why or why not? 4)What should the standards be? Why? 5)Should they be different for different situations? Why or why not? Support your opinion with relevant constitutional rights, case law, and /or statutes.
WRITING REQUIREMENTS (AFORMAT)? (approx. 300 words per page), not including title page or references page -1-inch margins -Double spaced -12-point Times New Roman font -Title page with topic and name of student -References page (minimum of 2 resources, beyond course documents.) -Using Aformat, provide citations from at least 2 library resources (beyond course documents) from your corresponding references pageCITING SELL V. U.S. (2003) OR THE COURSE DOCUMENTS CANNOT COUNT TOWARD YOUR 2 LIBRARY RESOURCES/REFERENCES.

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From an ethics standpoint, do you think forced/involuntary medication violates an individual?s right to refuse treatment? Nursing and Health Essay
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