King Nursing Theory Application & Essential Information Essay
King Nursing Theory Application & Essential Information Essay
Telehealth technologies are increasingly used in the provision of nursing care to clients and populations. The education of nurses must include content and practice with telehealth technologies. Please read chapter 15 of your text: Imogene M. King: Conceptual Systems and Middle-Range Theory of Goal Attainment and the following article before completing this assignment Enhancing Telehealth Education in Nursing: Applying King’s Conceptual Framework and Theory of Goal Attainment()
In a 2-3-page 7th edition APA formatted paper describe your conversation/discharge planning education with a patient being discharged from the hospital after having a stroke (CHF, Asthma, COPD) who is going to be monitored using telehealth technology. Assume this patient has never heard of telehealth before today and that the patient either is a member of a vulnerable population or lives in a rural location lacking transportation and resources for continued care. Identify how nurses can use telehealth to provide care.
1. What information would be important for this patient to know about telehealth?(King’s theory of goal attainment focuses on perceptions, communications, interactions, and transactions between nurses and clients as part of the process of mutual goal setting to achieve a state of health).
2. Using King’s model describe an aspect of patient care with telehealth that will address the specific needs of this patient.
3. Create a nursing telehealth strategy that could be implemented to address this patient’s specific needs using the nursing process (ADPIE) format. (Assessment Diagnosis Planning Interventions Evaluations)
4. Include the principles of QSEN to address safety concerns in your nursing process (Quality and Safety Education for Nurses)
[Working in the Surgical ICU, focus on CHF and post operative CABG patient discharged home for follow up. Focus on problems such as pain management and use of Incentive spirometer. Explain patient teaching/informing via telehealth of different modalities of pain management as well as use and importance of incentive spirometer.]
I will include the article included to read prior to the assignment as well as the book cover and pages of chapter 15. Other sources are welcomed to be used as references. Please let me know if this is doable for you and any questions you may have. Thank you.
See discussions, stats, and author profiles for this publication at: Enhancing Telehealth Education in Nursing: Applying King’s Conceptual Framework and Theory of Goal Attainment Article in Nursing Science Quarterly · July 2017 DOI: 10.1177/0894318417708418 CITATIONS READS 4 1,940 3 authors: Ann Fronczek Nicole Rouhana Binghamton University Binghamton University 9 PUBLICATIONS 21 CITATIONS 12 PUBLICATIONS 76 CITATIONS SEE PROFILE Judy M. Kitchin Binghamton University 1 PUBLICATION 4 CITATIONS SEE PROFILE Some of the authors of this publication are also working on these related projects: Telehealth and Telenursing View project Midwifery Education View project All content following this page was uploaded by Nicole Rouhana on 23 September 2017. The user has requested enhancement of the downloaded file. SEE PROFILE 708418 research-article2017 NSQXXX10.1177/0894318417708418Nursing Science QuarterlyYancey / Teaching-Learning Processes Teaching-Learning Processes Enhancing Telehealth Education in Nursing: Applying King’s Conceptual Framework and Theory of Goal Attainment Nursing Science Quarterly 2017, Vol. 30(3) 209–213 © The Author(s) 2017 Reprints and permissions: DOI: 10.1177/0894318417708418 Ann E. Fronczek, RN; PhD,1 Nicole A. Rouhana, RN; PhD,1 and Judy M. Kitchin, RN; MS1 Abstract Telehealth technologies are increasingly used in the provision of nursing care to clients and populations. The education of nurses must include content and practice with telehealth technologies. King Nursing Theory Application & Essential Information
The authors of this article discuss how one school of nursing has infused telehealth content and resources into undergraduate and graduate curricula using King’s conceptual system and theory of goal attainment as a guide. Keywords King, nursing, teaching-learning, telehealth Nurses are providing nursing care in environments that are increasingly innovative and complex. There is a continuous evolution in telecommunications and healthcare technologies that expand nursing practice and the potential ways that nurses interact with their clients. One area of growth that continually evolves and expands access to healthcare for clients, families, and systems is in the area of telehealth. Telehealth is defined as “a collection of means or methods for enhancing healthcare, public health, and health education delivery and support using telecommunications technology” (Telehealth Resource Centers, 2016). Telehealth technologies include live video conferencing, store and forward, remote patient monitoring, and mobile health (mHealth) devices. The main reason for the emergence of telehealth use is to provide equitable access to healthcare and education for those who live and work in remote areas, where these provisions have been clearly established to be insufficient. Therefore, nurse education leaders play a critical role in incorporating technology into the curriculum along with an increasing responsibility to prepare graduates to work with technologies surrounding healthcare. Nurses “should have skills in assessing using telecommunications technology, communicating with other healthcare providers, teaching clients and families, managing data, and making appropriate decisions when the clients need to be examined by a healthcare provider” (Ali, Carlton, & Ali, 2015, p. 266). King Nursing Theory Application & Essential Information
The purpose of this article is to discuss how a school of nursing has infused telehealth content and resources into both undergraduate and graduate nursing curricula using King’s conceptual system and theory of goal attainment as the underpinning. Overview of King’s Conceptual Framework and Theory of Goal Attainment It is already well-known that King’s conceptual framework is a systems framework consisting of personal, interpersonal, and social systems that interact to meet health needs (Gulitz & King, 1988; King, 1981, 2007). The personal system focuses on the individual, the interpersonal system focuses on groups of individuals and interactions, and the social system focuses on systems with common goals and interests such as an educational system or workplace. Nursing practice focuses on health needs and wants of the social system through mutual goal-setting, planning of programs that address patient needs, and evaluation of outcomes. King’s theory of goal attainment focuses on perceptions, communications, interactions, and transactions between nurses and clients as part of the process of mutual goal-setting to achieve a state of health (King, 2007). To reach a state of mutual goal-setting, nurses must be proficient in the application of the nursing process including skills in assessment, diagnosis, planning, implementation, and evaluation of nursing care. Much of this proficiency lies in excellent listening and 1 Decker School of Nursing, Binghamton University, NY, USA Contributing Editor: Nan Russell Yancey, RN, PhD, Dean of Graduate, Professional, & Continuing Education, Professor of Nursing, Lewis University, One University Parkway, Romeoville, IL 60446, USA. Email: 210 communication skills and having specialized nursing knowledge and skills in providing care through education in order to maintain and restore health to an individual or setting. These factors, when coupled with health promotion and disease prevention efforts that are mutually agreeable and attainable, can positively influence patient outcomes. One facet of healthcare that is becoming a more pervasive element that is influencing all three of King’s systems and the process of goal attainment is technology. In the increasingly technological world, nurses and clients are using healthcare technologies to support health outcomes. Nurses at all levels of practice need to have some educational foundation in the use of technologies, including telehealth technologies, and how they can best be used to facilitate nursing process, goal-setting, and patient care outcomes. Nurses must also be educated in how technologies are being used by the clients they serve to move to a state of well-being. Interactions through the personal, interpersonal, and social systems, as described by King, are increasingly being facilitated by technology. King Nursing Theory Application & Essential Information