Limited Access to Mental and Psychiatric Health Services in Underserved Communities Essay

Limited Access to Mental and Psychiatric Health Services in Underserved Communities Essay

Implementation plan

The RE-AIM framework will be used to implement the project and guarantee that telehealth technology is successfully integrated to increase access to mental health services in underserved communities. The acceptance and reach of the intervention are two of the essential parts of the implementation, and the framework will help address these issues while also considering characteristics critical to its sustainability and scalability.

The first step in rolling out telehealth to underprivileged areas is locating healthcare organizations and clinicians open to making the switch. Partnerships will be formed, and buy-in for implementing telehealth technologies will be obtained through active involvement and collaboration with critical stakeholders such as hospital administrators, providers, and community organizations. The advantages and processes of telehealth services will be explained in detail through educational resources.

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The technical prerequisites for telehealth service implementation will be established following an evaluation of infrastructure readiness. Examining the accessibility and stability of internet connections, the power of purchasing the appropriate telecommunications equipment, and adhering to privacy and security requirements to safeguard patient data may all be part of this process. Incorporating telehealth technologies into current healthcare systems will be facilitated by addressing any identified gaps or obstacles.

Strategies will be implemented to focus on underserved neighborhoods to expand the reach of telehealth services. Raising awareness of the availability and benefits of telehealth services may involve organizing community outreach activities, sharing information through local media outlets, and cooperating with community leaders and groups. To ensure people of all backgrounds can participate, removing any linguistic and cultural hurdles that may stand in the way is essential.

Healthcare providers’ uptake and consumption of telehealth services can be rigorously tracked as part of the implementation process. Providers’ complaints and technical difficulties can be addressed through regular communication and feedback channels. Training sessions and continuing assistance will bolster providers’ self-assurance and skill in providing telehealth therapies for mental disorders. To evaluate the adoption component of the RE-AIM paradigm, data on the prevalence of telehealth adoption among providers, the regularity with which services are provided, and the level of patient participation can be collected.

In addition, monitoring the rates of telehealth service consumption will be critical for gauging the framework’s reach. Data on the number of patients using these services and patient demographics can be collected to evaluate the efficacy of expanding access to telehealth mental health services. Integrating electronic health records or other data management systems will help guarantee precise and thorough data collecting.

Continuous Quality Improvement approaches can be used throughout the implementation phase to ensure the best possible telehealth care is provided to patients. Audits, feedback sessions, and performance reviews can be scheduled regularly to help highlight areas of concern and overcome any obstacles encountered throughout implementation. Successful implementations will result in the spread of telehealth services by sharing lessons learned and best practices with other healthcare settings.


The Process

Step 1: Admission and Group Assignment

  • Admit the participant into the intervention group (telehealth or in-person) based on random assignment.
  • Provide necessary instructions and resources for the chosen intervention mode.
  • Explain the purpose of the study and what is expected from the participant.

Step 2: Baseline Data Collection

Step 3: Weekly Interactions and Data Collection

  • Initiate weekly interactions with the participants according to their assigned intervention.
  • Collect data during these interactions, including service utilization information and participant’s experiences and feedback.
  • Ensure the participant’s engagement and comfort throughout the study period.

Step 4: Data Analysis and Evaluation

  • Collate the collected data into a structured format for analysis.
  • Analyze the quantitative data using appropriate statistical methods.
  • Conduct qualitative analysis of interview transcripts and open-ended responses.
  • Identify patterns, themes, and trends within the data.

Step 5: Findings Synthesis and Conclusion

  • Integrate quantitative and qualitative findings to draw comprehensive conclusions.
  • Identify key insights and implications for addressing limited access to psychiatric health services.
  • Summarize findings in preparation for reporting and presentation.

Step 6: Reporting and Presentation

  • Craft a research report outlining the project process, findings, and conclusions.
  • Ensure the report adheres to formatting guidelines and includes relevant visuals.
  • Prepare a concise presentation of the research for stakeholders.

Step 7: Project Closure and Knowledge Sharing

  • Reflect on project strengths, limitations, and lessons learned.
  • Present findings to the community, healthcare providers, and relevant organizations.
  • Archive project documents, data, and reports for future reference.


In underserved communities facing limited access to psychiatry health services (P), what is the effect of community-based strategies and interventions (I), compared to the provision of healthcare services in traditional hospital settings (C), on access to comprehensive and timely mental and psychiatry health services (O) within one year (T).
Please be specific ; what is the intervention? ( let it not be community-based because my supervisor said it is too broad) mention intervention
From the intervention stated, what are you comparing the intervention stated in the picot question with?
What is the actual outcome the intervention mentioned brought to solve the problem stated.


You have to be specific, focused, searchable, measurable, and well-built clinical question:

A. In adult patients with total hip replacements (Population), how effective is pain medication (Intervention) compared to aerobic stretching (Comparison) in controlling post operative pain (Outcome) during the perioperative and recovery time (Time)?
B. In African American female adolescents with hepatitis B (P), how does acetaminophen (I) compared to ibuprofen (C) affect liver function (O)? during the cause of treatment (Time)

C. In cancer patients with fatigue (P), what is the effect of yoga (I), compared with usual care (C), on quality of life (O) within 6 months (T)?”

Otterbein University

Doctor of Nursing Practice Program

NURS 7950 – Doctor of Nursing Practice II

Appendix C

Design, Method(s), & Implementation Plan

  Novice Competent Exemplary
Scaffolding the Project 0 to 6 points

Absent or minimally described. Multiple components are missing or not clearly represented.

6.5 to 15 points

Partially present in the paper. Several components are missing or not clearly represented.

15.5 to 20 points

All or most of the components are present in the paper. No or few components are missing or not clearly represented.

Implementation Plan 0 to 5 points

Absent or minimally described. Multiple components are missing or not clearly represented.

5.5 to 10 points

Partially present in the paper. Several components are missing or not clearly represented.

10.5 to 15 points

All or most of the components are present in the paper. No or few components are missing or not clearly represented.

Design & Method(s) Revised 0 to 2 points

Absent or minimally described. Multiple components are missing or not clearly represented.

2.5 to 4 points

Partially present in the paper. Several components are missing or not clearly represented.

4.5 to 5 points

All or most of the components are present in the paper. No or few components are missing or not clearly represented.

Executive Summary or Abstract 0 to 2 points

Absent or minimally described. Multiple components are missing or not clearly represented.

2.5 to 4 points

Partially present in the paper. Important components are missing or not clearly represented.

4.5 to 5 points

All or most of the components are present in the paper. No or few components are missing or not clearly represented.

APA Formatting, Grammar, Spelling, & Professional Writing 0 to 2 points

Proper APA 7th Ed formatting is absent or is present for a few citations and Reference page resources are accurately written. Multiple grammar and spelling errors noted. Professional writing APA style of writing not evident. Multiple passive tense use and/or clarity-limiting word use were evident.

2.5 to 4 points

Proper APA 7th Ed formatting for some to most of the citations and Reference page resources are accurately written. Few to several grammar or spelling errors noted. Professional writing APA style of writing partially evident. A few passive tense use and/or clarity-limiting word use were evident.

4.5 to 5 points

Proper APA 7th Ed formatting for all citations and Reference page resources are accurately written. No grammar or spelling errors noted. All professional writing APA style of writing evident. No passive tense use or clarity-limiting word use.



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