M5D1: Information Literacy Requirement

M5D1: Information Literacy Requirement

M5D1: Information Literacy Requirement

Be sure to have completed Module 5.10-5.14 in the web text before you answer this discussion question.


You have now finished your final module for your 5 Information Literacy assignments. You have learned about the important Library resources and services provide by the Excelsior College library. You have learned how to choose a research topic and brainstorm ideas to narrow your topic down, how to search for peer reviewed sources and how to appropriately evaluate those sources. You have also learned how to develop a quality thesis statement and outline for your paper, how to cite your sources in , and finally how to avoid plagiarism. All of these were important steps as you write your final research paper for this course.

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For this discussion, please present in two paragraphs, your own views on this process. What do you see is the value of the information literacy requirement for all Excelsior College students? What did you learn in these 5 assignments- what was new to you? Are you better equipped to write your final research paper after this learning? Are there areas of information literacy that you wish we had an assignment on or any new ideas for assignments that would have helped you write your final paper?

Next, read the posting of at least two other classmates and explain in your replies where you agree or respectfully disagree with their thoughts on what is helpful about learning information literacy and how these assignments helped you write your final paper.

This is a “post first” discussion forum. You must submit your initial post before you can view other students’ posts.

Click here to view Discussion Expectations


This discussion will be graded using the discussion board rubric. Please review this rubric, located on the Rubrics page within the Start Here module of the course, prior to beginning your work to ensure your participation meets the criteria in place for this discussion. All discussions combined are worth 20% of your final course grade.

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6/4/2019 Topic: M5D1: Information Literacy Requirement


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6/4/2019 MSA2: Library Activity #5: Plagiarism & APA List of Reference Citations

M5A2: Library Activity #5: Plagiarism & APA List of Reference Citations . .

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Due Sunday by 11:59pm Points 100 Submitting a text entry box ora file upload Available after May 6 at 12:01am

This is the fifth and final Excelsior College Library activity that you will see throughout this course. “Plagiarism & APA List of Reference Citations” is the last activity in the research process that will count towards your Information Literacy (INL) requirement. Remember that you must complete all 5 activities with a C grade or better to satisfy the INL requirement needed for your degree.

Start your Assignment HERE (https://my.excelsior.edu/documents/36236/92103/CCS120 citing_activity5.pdfle0eba97b-084a-4572-8e50- Sff7ce7bded8) [PDE file size 121 KB].

Compose your work in a,.doc or .90&x.file type using a word processor (such as Microsoft Word, etc.) and save it frequently to your computer. For those assignments that are not written essays and require uploading images or PowerPoint slides, please follow uploading guidelines provided by your instructor.

Check your work and correct any spelling or grammatical errors. When you are ready to submit your work, click “Submit Assignment’ in the upper right corner. Click on “Browse,” browse your computer, and select your file. Click “Open” and verify the correct file name has appeared next to the Browse button. Enter your comments, if any, in the Comments area. Click on “Submit Assignment.”

M5D1: Information Literacy Requirement


This assignment will be graded using the rubric displayed below. Please review this rubric prior to beginning your work. You can also access the rubric on the Course Rubrics page within the Start Here module. All 5 INL assignments combined are worth 25% of your final

course grade.

CCS120 INL Assignment 5 Rubric 2018

https://excelsior.instructure.com/courses/1 2284 /assignments/299378?module_item_id= 1016613 1/3 6/4/2019 Criteria

Citing Sources: At least 4 sources are cited for a reference page using APA style

Heading Format: The document is titled References, which is centered as a heading.

APA Author Format: Sources are alphabetized by author’s last name and use appropriate APA style for how to list author names.

APA Title Format: Source titles are cited correctly with appropriate capitalizations and italics.

Ratings 30.0 pts 29.0 pts . 26.0 pts _ 23.0 pts 19.0 pts 16.0 pts A: The work _A:Thework __ B: The work _ C: The work D: The work F: The work contains contains at contains at provides at provides less is nota more than4 least 4 least 3 sources least 2sources than 4 sources reference sources and sources and and uses an » andis an but is an | page and is in perfect is in appropriate adequate elementary fails to reference appropriate attempt at a attempt tolook — attempt to look provide at page format. reference reference page like a like a reference least 4 page format. format. reference page. sources. page. 10.0 pts 9.0 pts | 8.0 pts | 7.0 pts 6.0 pts 5.0 pts A: Heading is A: Heading B: Headingis C:Headingis not titled D: Heading F:No titled _ is titled – titled _ References, it is titled a is not heading References and References References related word (such as appropriate onthe centered on the and but is not Sources or at all page. page with centered on centered on Bibliography), but is appropriate the page. the page. centered on the page. Spacing. 20.0 pts 19.0 pts 17.0 pts 15.0 pts 13.0 pts 11.0 pts A: All author’s A: Almost all B: Most of the C: Author’s D: Author’s F: No names are listed the author’s author’s names names are names are author’s correctly in APA names are are listed alphabetized listed, but not names style with no listed correctly in APA but most are correctly in listed errors and correctly in style with a few still not listed APA style and on the alphabetized. APA, and minor errors and correctly in not page. Excellent alphabetized. they are APA style. alphabetized. attention to detail alphabetized 20.0 pts 19.0 pts 17.0 pts 15.0 pts 13.0 pts 11.0 pts A: The source A: The work B: The work C: The work D: The work F: The work titles are cited contains a contains a contains an contains an contains no with all titles consistent consistent adequate elementary | capitalizations complete with attempt attempt attempt at attempt at or italics, the correct throughout throughout citing the citing the use of the page the page source titles source titles capitalization citing all of citing most of — with with and italics. the source | the source appropriate appropriate Excellent titles with titles with capitalizations capitalizations understanding appropriate appropriate and italics. and italics. of APA. capitalizations capitalizations and italics. and italics.

M5A2: Library Activity #5: Plagiarism & APA List of Reference Citations

https://excelsior.instructure.com/courses/1 2284/assignments/299378?module_item_id=1 016613

Pts 0.0 pts

F: No submission

30.0 pts

. 0.0 pts

F: No

_ submission

10.0 pts

0.0 pts F: No submission

20.0 pts

0.0 pts F: No submission

20.0 pts


6/4/2019 Criteria

APA Details Format: Sources are double spaced, with hanging indentations, information on retrieved web resources and correct punctuation.

M5D1: Information Literacy Requirement

20.0 pts

A: The work contains an exemplary use throughout the page of APA formatting such as double spacing, hanging indentations or correct punctuation. Excellent attention to detail.

M5A2: Library Activity #5: Plagiarism & APA List of Reference Citations

— 19.0 pts A: The work

contains a

| consistent ‘ attempt

throughout the page at using APA formatting

  • suchas
  • double

Spacing, hanging indentations or correct punctuation.


17.0 pts 15.0 pts

_ B: The work _ C: The work

_ contains a contains an consistent | adequate

| attempt at attempt at using APA using APA formatting formatting

_ most of the such as time such as double double Spacing, spacing, hanging hanging indentations indentations or correct or correct punctuation.


13.0 pts _ D: The work | contains an


» attempt at

using APA

_ formatting

such as

_ double

Spacing, hanging indentations

OF correct


https://excelsior.instructu re.com/courses/1 2284/assignments/299378 ?module_item_id=1016613

11.0 pts F: The work

_ contains no

attempt at using APA formatting such as

_ double

spacing, hanging indentations or correct

_ punctuation.

Pts 0.0 pts F: No submission 20.0 pts

Total Points: 100.0


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M5D1: Information Literacy Requirement

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