Medical Directive Discussion Assignment.
Medical Directive Discussion Assignment.
Yes, while completing the form, I have personal ethical / morals concerns. It is since the medical directive form makes a person think about his current and future condition, their decisions, possible risks, and death. It raises many ethical and moral issues, such as donation of organs after death or medical autopsy. Medical Directive Discussion Assignment. Moreover, issues such as refusal to provide medical care in a terminal condition and vegetative state can also be considered ethical. Also, the issue of donation and medical autopsy can be called ethical/moral, since Christianity considers the body sacred and allows autopsy to be carried out only in case of medical necessity. Thus, the medical directive form has several ethical / morals questions that can cause concerns in any person.
If a patient wants a DNR but the family wants full medical treatment for their loved one, I will do the following. First of all, DNR does not mean to not “treat” the person and do not provide any medical care and assistance. Therefore, I will provide a consultation to a patient and their family and explain to them that the DNR order is applicable only in exceptional cases.
For example, if after medical manipulations, the patient may feel worse, suffer and experience serious conditions. In such cases, the doctor’s task is not to interfere with the patient’s decision and not to persuade them, but provide psychological as well as professional assistance and consult the patient about all the pros and cons of the DNR order.Medical Directive Discussion Assignment.
If I feel a family member is forcing the patient to complete the Medical Directive, I will do the following. First of all, I will say the family member that I understand their concerning. Then, I will explain to them that the patient should make a decision himself, and be responsible for their desire and realize their rights. Moreover, the family member cannot take responsibility for the life of the patient and it will lead to the negative consequences and states as for the family member as for the patient. Therefore, I will calm down the family member and explain that the patient himself needs make a decision and take responsibility for it.
Executed by Gabriela Daniels, in regard to my medical care.
I John White, residing at 711 Evergreen Lane in Los Angeles, California, hereby designated Alexander Black, residing at 520 San Julian St in Los Angeles, California, with telephone number +17411555048 to hold Durable Power of Attorney for Health Care on my behalf. The following terms and conditions apply until such time that it is revoked by me in writing, and are otherwise irrevocable.
1. Authority to Act on my Behalf. In the event that I cannot make medical decisions for myself, I hereby authorize the party holding Power of Attorney to act on my behalf in accordance with the wishes I have laid out below. My designee shall convey my intent to doctors, family members, and others needing such guidance.
2. Terminal Condition. If I am determined to have a terminal condition I desire:
a. Life-sustaining treatment such as CPR be started.
√ yes ___ no (“do not resuscitate”)
b. If life-sustaining treatment is nonetheless started, I want it to stop:
√ yes ___ no
c. I prefer that physicians use whatever life-sustaining treatments they determine are in my best interest. Medical Directive Discussion Assignment.
√ yes ___ no
d. If artificial nutrition and hydration would be the main treatment to keep me alive, I do not want them started, and if nonetheless started, I want them stopped.
√ yes ___ no
e. My top priority is being kept as comfortable and pain-free as possible, regardless of whether this prolongs or shortens my life.
√ yes ___ no
3. Persistent Vegetative State. If I am determined to be in a persistent vegetative state, I desire:
a. Life-sustaining treatment such as CPR be started.
___ yes √ no
b. If life-sustaining treatment is nonetheless started, I want it to stop:
√ yes ___ no
c. I prefer that physicians use whatever life-sustaining treatments they determine are in my best interest.
___ yes √ no
d. If artificial nutrition and hydration would be the main treatment to keep me alive, I do not want them started, and if nonetheless started, I want them stopped.
___ yes √ no
e. My top priority is being kept as comfortable and pain-free as possible, regardless of whether this prolongs or shortens my life.
___ yes √ no
4. Organ Donation. In the event of my death, if my organs are deemed acceptable for donation:
a. I wish to donate any/all organs and tissues.
___ yes √ no
b. I wish to donate only the following organs and tissues:
liver, heart, kidneys
c. I do not wish to donate any organs or tissues.
___ yes √ no
5. Medical Autopsy. In the event of my death:
a. I don’t want an autopsy.
√ yes ___ no
b. I consent to an autopsy if my physicians find it appropriate.
√ yes ___ no
6. Substitute. If Alexander Black is unable or unwilling to act on my behalf, I hereby grant Power of Attorney to Julia White, residing at 711 Evergreen Lane in Los Angeles, California with phone number +1 310-730-0480.
I hereby certify that I am signing this advance directive while of sound mind and under no duress. This document must be witnessed by two parties not related to me by blood, marriage, or adoption, nor by anyone named in my will nor by a health care provider involved in my care.
Emma Stone
Daniel Black
Medical Directive Discussion Assignment.