NIU NURS307 Physical Exam Competency 1 Documentation Submission
NIU NURS307 Physical Exam Competency 1 Documentation Submission
Here is an example of documentation for your competencies. Include all parts on one word document for that week. This only includes general and thorax as an example. You would also include the cardiac component. This is a narrative documentation. I am looking for your to paint a picture of your assessment in a concise and thorough manner. Be sure to utilize the correct terminology. Remember that in documentation you do not need full sentences, so do not write….patient is alert and oriented……
You are required to demonstrate competency in the physical assessment techniques. You also are required to accurately document your physical assessment findings. These two requirements are worth 70% of your grade. You will find the specific guidelines for these two requirements on the course blackboard. You will be required to video record yourself performing the various assessments and submitting them on blackboard.