NRS-440 Topic 3 Discussion 2:Differentiate between a DNP and a PhD Essay
NRS-440 Topic 3 Discussion 2:Differentiate between a DNP and a PhD Essay
Select a role requiring either a DNP or a PhD in nursing, and explain how this role functions within an interdisciplinary healthcare setting (clinical or non-clinical).
A DNP and PhD are both advanced degree programs that requiring increased schooling and advancements is a person knowledge in the field in which they are prating. “For decades the DNP (Doctor of Nursing Practice) degree has been referred to as practice focused whereas the PhD (Doctor of Philosophy) has been identified as research focused” (Radzyminski,.2023). A DNP or a doctorate in nursing practice is a degree obtained above a masters in nursing sciences. This can allow for greater opportunity and growth within the medical field.
An example of a role requiring a DNP is a nursing leader that does research and works on innovations aimed at heling advance medical practices and the nursing profession. “The role of nursing was deemed crucial in transforming health care delivery and improving patient outcomes. Nurses educated at the doctoral level can achieve these goals due to their ability to evaluate through research, accumulate the evidence for best practices, and design the context through which care is delivered” (Radzyminski,.2023). A PhD is a degree that establishes a person to have a doctorate in philosophy. This type of degrees is often utilized in jobs such as pharmacology and biochemical research.
“The top five disciplines in our sample are Biological sciences, Physics, Chemistry, Engineering and Medical Sciences” (Manta,2022). These two roles help create greater advancements in the medicinal management we provide and the patient care we give and therefor have a direct influence and impact on the interdisciplinary team. Most acute care settings have many leadership roles filled with people with increased education and advancements in their degrees to the doctoral level.
Mantai, Lilia; Marrone, Mauricio. Studies in Higher Education. Nov2022, Vol. 47 Issue 11, p2273-2286. 14p. 5 Charts, 3 Graphs. DOI: 10.1080/03075079.2022.2061444. , Database