NRSU530 Week 4 Discussion 1:Hyperglycemia In Poorly Controlled Diabetes Paper

NRSU530 Week 4 Discussion 1:Hyperglycemia In Poorly Controlled Diabetes Paper

Hyperglycemia has devastating long-term consequences, including injuries to the heart, kidneys, nervous system, eyes, gums, eyesight, bones, and articulating joints. Hyperosmolar and diabetic ketoacidosis might also manifest themselves in such cases. The effectiveness of the diabetic treatment plan was affected by a number of variables. Patients benefit greatly from a combination of oral medication and behavioral changes (Taylor et al., 2021). Good outcomes are achieved through a combination of effective treatment and careful monitoring of the patient’s diet, blood sugar levels, and other vitals.

Inadequate management of hypoglycemia episodes contributes to the high cost and glycemic impact of diabetes treatment. Poor treatment outcomes can also be attributed to renal dysfunction, a condition that is on the rise. Inadequate healthcare access, racism, and low socioeconomic level all play a role in low scheme compliance. Weight loss, diabetic medications, dietary changes, and both good and bad treatment compliance are all hampered by this (Taylor et al., 2021). Treatment outcomes are also affected by such factors as gender, age range, education level, time spent in treatment, degree of self-awareness, and ability to self-manage. Medication, nutrition, exercise, and other lifestyle factors are constantly evolving, so each person’s regimen must be tailored to their specific needs and preferences. Compliance with pharmaceuticals should be based on elements such as patient and provider education and communication, support networks to lessen the financial burden of medications, and reminder devices.

The prevalence of hyperglycemia rises with the absence of resources such as money, family, and health education. Patients’ adherence and health results benefit from being informed, educated, and motivated. Weight gain and other symptoms suggest that people are not following up with their doctors about their prescriptions (Taylor et al., 2021). Age, psychological variables including sadness and anxiety, tough medical schedules, and a negative concept of medication all contribute to clients’ inconsistency and noncompliance, leading to difficulties.

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Syndrome of Inappropriate Anti-diuretic Hormone Secretion (SIADH) and Diabetes Insipidus (DI)

Continued arginine vasopressin production or function in the presence of normal or increased plasma volume characterizes the syndrome of inappropriate anti-diuretic hormone secretion (SIADH). Fluid retention and impaired water secretion lead to hyponatremia, hypo-osmolality, and excessive urine osmolality, all of which are diagnostic of SIADH (Poch et al., 2022). Knowing that hyponatremia is caused by an overabundance of water rather than a lack of sodium is essential for comprehending the pathogenesis, signs, treatments, and management of SIADH. The effectiveness of treatment for SIADH and the rate of recovery from hyponatremia are dependent on the severity of hyponatremia; urine osmotic concentration and creatinine clearance can help determine whether the illness is transient (<48 hours) or persistent.

In patients with diabetes insipidus (DI), electrolyte abnormalities manifest due to either impaired anti-diuretic hormone (ADH) secretion or impaired ADH response. DI is a rare condition marked by a malfunction in the body’s ability to regulate fluid levels. Because of this imbalance, you urinate a lot. It also causes severe thirst, even if you’ve recently drunk. Desmopressin, a synthetic hormone, is the standard treatment for DI (Christ-Crain & Gaisl, 2021). This treatment prevents the body from producing as much anti-diuretic hormone (ADH). Desmopressin is administered orally, nasally, or intravenously.

Graves’ Disease and Hypothyroidism.

Hyperactive thyroid, or hyperthyroidism, is a symptom of Graves’ disease, an autoimmune condition. This condition manifests itself when the immune system mistakenly targets the thyroid, leading to an overabundance of this hormone in the body. Thyroid glands are tiny, butterfly-shaped glands at the front of the neck. Thyroid hormones affect the heart rate because they monitor and manage the way the body utilizes energy (Ehlers et al., 2019). Complications with the brain, joints, ligaments, menstruation, and fertility might develop if hyperthyroidism is not treated. The mother and child are at risk for harm if hyperthyroidism is not treated throughout pregnancy. The eyes and skin are also vulnerable to the effects of Graves’ illness.

On the other hand, hypothyroidism is a disorder in which insufficient thyroid hormone is produced and released by the thyroid. The result is a diminished metabolic rate. Hypothyroidism, also known as underactive thyroid, causes its victims to feel fatigued, gain weight, and be extremely sensitive to colds (Hegedüs et al., 2022). Hormone replacement therapy is the gold standard for the management of hypothyroidism.


Christ-Crain, M., & Gaisl, O. (2021). Diabetes Insipidus. Presse Medicale50(4), 104093.

Ehlers, M., Schott, M., & Allelein, S. (2019). Graves’ disease in clinical perspective. Frontiers In Bioscience, 24(1), 35–47.

Hegedüs, L., Bianco, A. C., Jonklaas, J., Pearce, S. H., Weetman, A. P., & Perros, P. (2022). Primary hypothyroidism and quality of life. Nature reviews. Endocrinology18(4), 230–242.

Poch, E., Molina, A., & Piñeiro, G. (2022). Syndrome of inappropriate anti-diuretic hormone secretion. Medicina Clinica159(3), 139–146.

Taylor, S. I., Yazdi, Z. S., & Beitelshees, A. L. (2021). Pharmacological treatment of hyperglycemia in type 2 diabetes. The Journal of Clinical Investigation131(2), e142243.


Week 4 Discussion Forum Prompt 1
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Select all of the following discussion prompts to address:

Consider the long-term effects of hyperglycemia as seen in poorly controlled diabetes. Consider factors that lead to good or poor compliance in regimens designed to decrease hyperglycemia and improve health outcomes in diabetics. Review this article
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and identify the key factors that can interfere with compliance.
Describe the pathophysiology, clinical manifestations, evaluation, and treatment of two diseases of the posterior pituitary–syndrome of inappropriate antidiuretic hormone secretion (SIADH) and diabetes insipidus (DI).
Discuss Grave’s Disease and the systemic manifestations and treatment of hyperthyroidism. Describe the pathophysiology, clinical manifestations, evaluation, and treatment of hypothyroidism.
Use at least one scholarly source other than your textbook to connect your response to national guidelines and evidence-based research in support of your ideas.

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NRSU530 Week 4 Discussion 1:Hyperglycemia In Poorly Controlled Diabetes Paper

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