NURS 4005 Promoting Quality and Safety Through Standards Discussion Paper
NURS 4005 Promoting Quality and Safety Through Standards Discussion Paper
Discussion: Promoting Quality and Safety Through Standards
In the article “Managing to Improve Quality: The Relationship Between Accreditation Standards, Safety Practices, and Patient Outcomes,” the authors discuss the growing trend by medical insurance companies to eliminate reimbursement for Never Events. As these types of mistakes should be easily preventable, hospitals have developed protocols to lessen or extinguish the occurrence of these events. In addition, The Joint Commission and the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid have developed core measures to guide health care providers’ efforts in improving patient safety and the quality of care delivered. Review the information at the Joint Commission and Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Web sites on the core measures and standards presented in this week’s Resources.
To prepare for this Discussion, select either a Never Event or a core measure and respond to the following:
- How has the emphasis on quality of care, patient safety, and clinical care outcomes been impacted by specific standards emanating from CMS and TJC? Cite a core measure or standard in your response. Support your response with references from the professional nursing literature.
Post your responses to the Discussion based on the course requirements. Your initial postings must be 250–350 words (not including the full references). Keep your responses succinct. Your written assignments must follow APA guidelines. Be sure to support your work with specific citations from this week’s Learning Resources. Other scholarly sources may also be used to support your work. NURS 4005 Discussion: Promoting Quality and Safety Through Standards
NURS 4005 Discussion The Nurse’s Role in Promoting Patient Rights (Walden)
Discussion: The Nurse’s Role in Promoting Patient Rights
As a nurse, you are the individual who has the most extensive relationship with a patient. In this week’s articles, you read about both NDNQI nurse-specific indicators and the key role nurses play as advocates for patient rights. To assist nurses in being better prepared for this role, programs such as Patient Care Partnership provide guidance. Review the Patient Care Partnership Web site presented in this week’s Resources. In addition, reflect on the media presentation and the information shared by Ms. Manna on patient’s rights. Then, reflect on a situation in your work setting in which a patient did not know his or her rights or responsibilities. If you have not encountered this situation, reflect on a scenario presented in the readings. With these thoughts in mind, respond to the following:
What are some nursing practices you could use to promote patient rights and responsibilities?
Support your response with references from the professional nursing literature
250–350 words (not including the full references). Keep your responses succinct. Your written assignments must follow APA guidelines
In this week’s media, Ms. Santiago and Ms. Johnson continue the discussion on patient-centered care and examine the positive outcomes of involving patients in their care decisions. Then, Dr. Rempher and Ms. Manna discuss how data from the NDNQI guides the development of action plans which can lead to improved nursing practice and patient outcomes. Ms. Manna goes on to share her expertise on advocating for patients’ rights from her experience of working with vulnerable populations.
Laureate Education (Producer). (2009). Topics in clinical nursing: Accountability and nursing practice. Baltimore, MD: Author