NURS 8100 Week 8-10  Discussion 1: United States Nursing Profession Issue Paper

NURS 8100 Week 8-10  Discussion 1: United States Nursing Profession Issue Paper

The United States nursing profession is currently facing several pressing issues that need to be addressed to ensure the sustainability and effectiveness of healthcare delivery. The quality of patient care suffers due to workplace violence in the nursing field, which is a severe and persistent problem (Noor, 2022). Workplace violence is a severe problem that has an impact on the nursing profession. It is any physical, verbal, or sexual attack at work. According to the American Nurses Association (2019), there is a high risk of workplace violence for nurses, with 25% of nurses reporting physical assault and 50% reporting verbal abuse. This puts nurses’ physical, emotional, and physical safety in grave danger. The ability of nurses to succeed at work is also negatively impacted by workplace violence. Increased stress, decreased job satisfaction, and nurse turnover rates could exist. This discussion examines workplace violence in nursing, its repercussions, and proposed legislative remedies.

Workplace violence remains a significant problem in nursing, despite its longstanding presence. The unique characteristics of the nursing work environment make it particularly susceptible to such incidents. Nurses commonly work in high-stress environments where they frequently encounter patients in mental or physical discomfort (Hossain & Clatty, 2020). These factors contribute to workplace violence, including verbal abuse, physical assault, and sexual harassment. Violent assault may occur, leaving victims with physical wounds and psychological distress. Therefore, nurses commonly experience abuse, which can result in profound emotional and psychological harm.

Impact of Workplace Violence

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Nurses, patients, and the healthcare system are all significantly impacted by workplace violence. Nurses subjected to workplace violence endure physical and emotional harm, resulting in reduced job satisfaction, burnout, and post-traumatic stress disorder (Cao et al., 2023). The repercussions also extend to patients because when nurses become victims of workplace violence, their productivity decreases while absenteeism increases. As a result, these affected individuals provide a lower quality of care. Therefore, such acts negatively impact morale within healthcare organizations and contribute to higher turnover rates among nursing staff, ultimately adversely affecting the overall healthcare system.

Workplace violence can cause significant and long-lasting effects, affecting individuals’ physical and emotional well-being. According to Nam et al. (2021), nurses may experience long-lasting effects from a violent incident, such as depression, anxiety, and fear. The aftermath of workplace violence often leads to underreporting of subsequent incidents by affected nurses. This unwillingness to report compromises safety precautions and exacerbates the already precarious nature of their work environment. A decrease in the quality of care and longer wait times are notable outcomes stemming from such acts committed within healthcare settings. Therefore, further delving into this matter warrants careful consideration due to its far-reaching effects.

Policy Solutions for Workplace Violence

Implementing zero-tolerance standards, offering staff education and training, and stepping up security measures are some policy strategies to reduce workplace violence in the nursing industry. Healthcare facilities are encouraged to develop and implement comprehensive violence prevention plans, including worksite analysis, hazard prevention, control, training, and education (Occupational Safety and Health Administration, 2020). The American Nurses Association (ANA) suggests that nurses take courses on self-defense, de-escalation strategies, and reporting workplace violence (ANA, 2019). A culture of respect and accountability can be developed by zero-tolerance policies, which can help avoid workplace violence. Through staff education and training, nurses can be equipped with the abilities and information required to recognize and handle workplace violence. Adding more security measures, such as panic buttons and security cameras, can also help stop workplace violence. Therefore, a framework for addressing and preventing workplace violence can be provided through the creation and execution of comprehensive violence prevention programs.

Personal Impact

As a nurse, I am susceptible to workplace violence, which can result in bodily and mental injury. When someone uses hurtful words, it can affect me emotionally and mentally. It can make me feel down and even make it harder to do well at work. If I am physically assaulted and sustain bodily injuries, it could affect my ability to work effectively. Workplace violence can have various negative impacts on nurses. It can lead to lower morale, decreased job satisfaction, and higher employee turnover rates.


Patient Impact

Workplace violence has a detrimental impact on patient care by creating several negative consequences. Violence toward nurses reduces productivity. Delays or incomplete patient care can affect patients’ health and recovery. Workplace violence also increases healthcare facility absenteeism. The resultant personnel shortages can impair the continuity of care, ultimately impacting patient outcomes negatively. Nurses’ morale and job satisfaction suffer when workplace violence occurs. These characteristics are essential in determining the level of care patients receive, significantly impacting their overall health outcomes. Therefore, enterprises must manage workplace violence effectively, maintaining staff safety and preserving high-quality standards when giving excellent patient-centered care.

Policy implications

Workplace violence in nursing can be effectively addressed through various policy solutions. By implementing zero-tolerance policies, organizations can cultivate an environment of respect and accountability, which is a powerful deterrent for workplace violence incidents. Equipping nurses with proper education and training is crucial to proactively identifying and addressing workplace violence (Bihler, 2021). Bolstering security measures like installing surveillance cameras and panic buttons enhance safety by deterring potential perpetrators or allowing swift response during emergencies. Furthermore, comprehensive violence prevention programs are vital in combating workplace violence among nurses. These programs are designed to help organizations tackle current problems and proactively prevent similar issues in the future.


Workplace violence is a significant concern that harms the nursing profession in the United States. Its repercussions are felt by both nurses and patients, as well as the healthcare system. To effectively address this issue, we can implement policies such as zero-tolerance measures, provide comprehensive education and training to staff members, and increase security measures. Nurses must become strong advocates for themselves and their patients to establish a safe environment within the nursing profession that remains untainted by acts of violence.


American Nurses Association (ANA). (2019). Workplace violence in nursing. ANA.

Bihler, V. F. (2021). Identifying the need for an educational intervention on workplace bullying in undergraduate nursing curriculums.

Cao, Y., Gao, L., Fan, L., Zhang, Z., Liu, X., Jiao, M., Li, Y., & Zhang, S. (2023). Effects of verbal violence on job satisfaction, work engagement and the mediating role of emotional exhaustion among healthcare workers: A cross-sectional survey conducted in Chinese tertiary public hospitals. BMJ Open, 13(3), e065918.

Hossain, F., & Clatty, A. (2020). Self-care strategies in response to nurses’ moral injury during COVID-19 pandemic. Nursing Ethics, 28(1).

Nam, S., Lee, D.-W., Seo, H., Hong, Y.-C., Yun, J.-Y., Cho, S., & Lee, N. (2021). Empathy with patients and post-traumatic stress response in verbally abused healthcare workers. Psychiatry Investigation, 18(8), 770–778.

Noor, N. (2022). Oppression among female nurses: A concept analysis. Journal of Development and Social Sciences, 3(IV).

Occupational Safety and Health Administration. (2020). Workplace violence – overview | Occupational safety and health administration.; United States Department of Labor.



United States Nursing Profession Issue

What issues are affecting healthcare? How do these issues affect you, your practice, and/or your organization? How do these issues affect your patients?
Throughout this course you have identified and supported an advocacy priority, focusing specifically on how best to move the agenda forward. Now is your opportunity to explore a specific issue affecting the nursing profession in the United States. Nurses hold a front row seat to what is happening in healthcare. Nurses can see what is working and what is not working in the field on a daily basis.
For this Discussion, consider what you have learned thus far about the political and social determinants of health and healthcare policy and advocacy. Identify a nursing issue that many impact you. What can be done about this issue? Who is impacted by this issue? How might policy remedy this issue?
• Dawes, D. E. (2020). The political determinants of health. Johns Hopkins University Press.
• Chapter 4, “How the Game is Played: Successful Employment of the Political Determinants of Health” (pp. 78–111)
• Porche, D. J. (2023). Health policy: Applications for nurses and other healthcare professionals (3rd ed.). Jones & Bartlett Learning.
• Chapter 13, “Board Governance and Policy Leadership” (pp. 185–192)
• Chapter 14, “Institutional and Organizational/ Association Policy” (pp. 193–199)
• Chapter 17, “Policy Institutes” (pp. 255–264)
• American Association of Nurse Anesthesiology. (2022). Advocacy and policy
• Links to an external site..
• American Association of Nurse Practitioners. (2022). AANP advocacy: Championing the NP role and amplifying the NP voice
• Links to an external site..
• American Nurses Association. (2018). ANA advocacy toolkit
• Links to an external site..
• American Nurses Association. (n.d.). Nurses serving in congress
• Links to an external site..
• International Council of Nurses. (2022). Nursing policy
• Links to an external site..
• National League for Nursing. (2022). Public policy
• Links to an external site..
• National League for Nursing. (2022). Toolkit home
• Links to an external site..
• Open Secrets. (2021). Health professionals
• Links to an external site.: Summary.
• Pitsker, K. (2019, November 26). How to run for local office. Kiplinger
• Links to an external site..
• United Nations. (n.d.). Sustainable development goals: 17 goals to transform our world
• Links to an external site..
• She Should Run Links to an external site.. (2020).
• Links to an external site.
Note: Explore this site on the topic of “Running for Elected Office.” You will need to join (free) to access the self-quizzes and materials.
• Document: Global Issues Impacting Nursing Download Global Issues Impacting Nursing (PDF)

American Nurses Association. (2021, May 11). RNAction: When nurses speak, Washington listens
• Links to an external site. [Video].
Note: The approximate length of this media piece is 1 minute.
• Parks, M., & Weiner, C. (2019, October 19). How to run for office Links to an external site. [Multimedia]. NPR.

Select a nursing profession issue happening in the United States.
Post a response detailing the following:
• Provide a clear and detailed description of the nursing profession issue.
• Explain how you might be impacted by this issue.
• Explore how this issue might be addressed and/or remedied through policy.
By Day 6 of Week 8


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