NURS4465 All Modules Discussions From UTA Essays
NURS4465 All Modules Discussions From UTA Essays
NURS4465 Population and Community Nursing
Module 1 Discussion
Community and Public Health impact almost every aspect of your life. In this discussion, you will locate and summarize local interest stories or articles from the newspaper (or other local publications) that demonstrate how community or public health impact our daily lives.
Browse your local newspaper or other local publications for articles that focus on public health issues at the local, state, and/or national level. For example, reports or articles that discuss a train collision, an earthquake in California, the dedication of a new park in your neighborhood, an outbreak of the flu in Texas, low-cost child immunization clinics, or a free traveling mammogram program for low-income women are all examples of public or community health issues.
Locate two examples of community or public health issues from a local publication, magazine, or newspaper. The examples you select should focus on completely different topics – for example, select one article that discusses a new park and another article that focuses on plans for a new coal-fired power plant.
Write a one paragraph summary of each article. Include a proper reference to the source of the article.
Include an additional paragraph that explains why you consider these articles to be public or community health.
Your original post should consist of complete sentences and include three paragraphs.
Reply to at least two of your online colleagues’ posts with reflective questions, substantive comments, or relevant personal experiences.
NURS4465 Population and Community Nursing
Module 2 Discussion
Locate current or proposed legislation, city rules, or ordinances that have the potential to affect the environment in your area. Summarize the legislation and draw conclusions about the impact legislation will have on environmental practices.
Visit the website of a legislative body that has the ability to create rules, codes, or ordinances that impact the environment. Examples of these types of agencies include: Green Dallas, Fort Worth Environmental Management Department, Texas House of Representatives Committee on Environmental Regulation, U.S. House of Representatives Committee on Natural Resources, U.S. Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works and U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). Select one piece of legislation (or rule, or ordinance), either proposed or actual, and summarize it for the class. Ideally, you should select legislation that will directly impact your community.
Review the discussion board prior to selecting a proposal or prior to posting your message to the discussion board in order to avoid duplicating resources.
List the title of the legislative bill, rule, or ordinance. Include the title of the legislative body that drafted, proposed, or authorized the legislation.
Summarize the environmental legislation in one or two paragraphs. Identify key concepts included in the legislation.
In your opinion, what is the potential or realized impact of this legislation on the community?
Do you agree or disagree with the legislation? Support your answer.
Your original post should consist of complete sentences and should be at least two complete paragraphs but no more than three paragraphs.
Reply to at least two of your online colleagues’ posts with reflective questions, substantive comments, or relevant personal experiences.
Please go to the Discussions area on the left to post to the Discussion Board.
NURS4465 Population and Community Nursing
Module 3 Discussion
Each person has his or her own personal history; that is, his or her collected experiences. Everything you have ever seen, heard, felt, learned, or experienced has lead to the development of this personal history. Factors that affect this history include your gender, race, age, ethnicity, culture, education, native language, and religion, to name a few. Collectively, these factors create the sum total of who you are as a person. Bias occurs when a person has a tendency towards a particular perspective or ideology (i.e. your personal history); after all, you see the world through your own eyes. To some extent, every person has a natural bias. However, if or when your personal bias interferes with your ability to be unprejudiced or objective – especially in your nursing practice – your biases can become problematic. In this discussion, you will have the opportunity to determine how strong your biases are.You should post your original message by 23:59 PM Wednesday. You should also reply to posts by two of your peers by 23:59 PM, Saturday of Module 3.
In the professional nursing practice, nurses must provide unbiased care, even in situations where the person/s being treated have different backgrounds (language, religion, culture, ethnicity, etc.) than you. The first step in overcoming and minimizing personal biases is to recognize them. In this discussion, you will assess your personal biases. Answer the questions honestly and to the best of your ability, noting that there are no right or wrong answers.
Complete the General Awareness and Attitudes Scale Preview the document
The General Awareness and Attitudes Scale is adapted from the Cultural Awareness Scale by Catterson, Cookston, Martinez, & Rew (1998). Answer the question as honestly as possible. There are no right or wrong answers.
Once you complete and score the General Awareness and Attitudes Scale, answer the following questions:
What does the scale say about you?
How strong are your biases?
NOTE: Do NOT post your individual scores. This discussion is not about how you score, but about personal discovery. In other words, the focus of this discussion is about what you learn about yourself. You also do NOT need to share your score with your academic coach.
How can you address these personal biases in your professional nursing practice?
Your original post should consist of complete sentences and should be at least two complete paragraphs but no more than three paragraphs.
NURS4465 Population and Community Nursing
Module 5 Discussion
In this Discussion, you will select a clinic or community agency within the community. The organization you select must serve the needs of a vulnerable population group. Research the clinic or agency to obtain a clear idea of services provided and the specific population it serves. It is not necessary for you to make an on-site visit. However, you must cite the source(s) from which you obtained the information about the clinic or community agency.
Examples of clinical or community health agencies:
Parishes Employee/Occupational Health
Infection Control in hospitals Public Health Department
Refugee Centers Child/Adult Protective Services
School Health Clinic Hospice
Halfway House: Drug Abuse, Prison, etc. Homeless Center
Public Clinics: Pediatric, Psychiatric, OB, Geriatric, Migrant, etc. Rehab Program: Cardiac, etc.
Shelters: Homeless, Women’s, etc. HIV/AIDS programs/clinics
Veterans’ agencies Adolescent Programs
Group homes for MHMR clients, etc. Support groups for cancer, sexual abuse, etc. survivors
Research the selected agency, and using the following *headings, discuss:
Name of agency and why you selected this agency;
Brief history and mission of the agency;
Target population the agency serves;
Services and programs offered;
What criteria (i.e. income, age, etc.) must clients meet in order to be served by the agency; and
What you found interesting about this agency or helpful for you as a professional nurse.
Cite and reference the information you report on, as appropriate.
Please post your initial response by 23:59 Wednesday of Module 5, and comment on the posts of two classmates by 23:59 Saturday.NURS4465 All Modules Discussions Essays From UTA