Nursing Informatics In Health Care Paper Essay

Nursing Informatics In Health Care Paper Essay

The purpose of nursing informatics is to improve patient care through methods and knowledge from other sub-disciplines such as information science and computer science. With the emergence of clinical intelligence in health information systems, there has been a need for accurate, relevant, and timely data to develop meaningful information that will lead to actionable clinical knowledge (Hussey & Kennedy, 2022). This will achieve optimal structures in healthcare delivery, care processes, and good patient outcomes. The purpose of this proposal paper is to describe the relationship between  nursing informatics and other healthcare organizations and justify the need for the implementation of the nursing informaticist role in my organizations

Nursing Informatics and the Nurse Informaticist

The International Medical Informatics Association Nursing Informatics Special Interest Group in 2009 defined nursing informatics as a subfield in nursing that integrates three other subfields of nursing such as nursing science, information science, and computer science to manage and communicate data, knowledge, and wisdom in nursing practice (McGonigle & Mastrian, 2021). Having defined nursing informatics, it is evident that nurse informaticists have a key role to play in healthcare delivery. Nursing informatics is a branch of informatics that also handles health information technology, health systems, and patient care. A nurse informaticist works to achieve all that pertains to nursing informatics, health data, and information. These roles include but are not limited to delivering information on current and evidence-based workflows, implementing new technologies and processes, and assessing data quality in the health setting (Nibbelink et al., 2018). Quality data is necessary for credibility in decision-making.

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The specific roles of a nurse informaticist in a healthcare setting are varied. According to Bergren et al. (2020), a nurse informaticist provides technical support and training during system implementations, ensures efficient clinician computer interaction, and ensures the security of information and data collected through system processes. Further, the informaticist analyzes data patterns for security and surveillance, links software and technology engineers and healthcare providers, ensures institution compliance to data privacy and protection policies, and utilizes the collected health data to evaluate care (Bergren et al., 2020). Nurse informaticists not only fulfill these roles in the hospital setting but also in the school and other institutions.

Nurse Informaticists and Other Health Care Organizations

In the healthcare setting, nurse informaticists speak two major ‘languages’ healthcare and technology. These professionals link the clinical staff and the information technology staff. Therefore, they interact with every healthcare professional in the healthcare delivery process. Nurse informaticists regularly collaborate with other healthcare organizations to quality and appropriate data available for clinical decision-making. The decisions based on this data are important in patient care delivery. Nurse informaticists also ensure that other nurses adapt to health info ration technology well (Zadvinskis et al., 2018). This reduces nurses’ dissatisfaction and improves interconnectivity in the workflow. Because of their good interdisciplinary and management skills, nurse informaticists are essential members of interdisciplinary teams (Hussey & Kennedy, 2022). Knowledge of both clinical and managerial aspects of care is crucial to successful teamwork.

Nurse informatics collaboration with technologists facilitates communication and management in the technological environment (Farokhzadian et al., 2020). Nurse informaticist sits with nurses and observes how they operate and navigate various technologies so that they can identify the problems and solve them with technologists or independently. In an ideal setting, a nurse informaticist should form part of every design team that develops testing plans for usability. This role is ideal for them because they can understand clinical work as well as technological work. Therefore, they can select and apply the best usability methods for systems development projects. This will promote patient-centered care through the use of user-centered designs that will meet the needs of consumers of various technology outcomes of care. Nurse informaticist’s collaboration with nurses can be a good approach when participating with vendors of various technological items for an institution.

Impact of Full Nurse Engagement in Health Care Technology

We are in the digital era, and nurses must be information and data-literate. Nurses are expected to apply to use computers and health information systems to apply the data and evidence from these sources to inform their practice (Bergren & Maughan, 2020). The care outcomes of the entire workforce also rely on their competency to utilize this data and coordinate care appropriately. According to McGonigle & Mastrian (2021), nurses have been and still are information and knowledge workers in healthcare. The practice of nursing and evidence-based practice requires that nurses be able to retrieve and analyze health data to improve patient quality and safety outcomes. Nurses have to be fully engaged to be competent enough to distinguish credible from incredible information because this will also impact their patient teaching and clinical decision-making.

Full engagement of nurses in health information technology is also essential in utilizing protected health information (PHI). This includes protecting and safeguarding the confidentiality and privacy of patients. Adherence to the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) of 1996 is important for the safe use of patient information and health data. Nurses can use various evidence-based strategies to protect PHI. Disclosing a minimal but useful amount of patient information ensures patients’ privacy. Nurses must therefore ensure that they disclose only what is relevant to the patient or their relatives. Deidentification is a key strategy that nurses must use in their data-sharing efforts for clinical decision-making or public health activities (Kayaalp, 2018). Scientific communities and legislators rely on patient data for various purposes and must only access what is legally and ethically needed.

For nurses, there are demands for the provision of individual and population health activities. The challenge arises when they require to maintain data and information literacy at all levels of care. Their literacy skills are essential to meet the health and safety need of the population. To ensure smooth workflow, the nurse must adhere to the professional standards and be engaged in programmer and project development. Quality care depends on the smooth workflow, patient safety, and patient data (McBride & Tietze, 2022). Quality care is not necessarily costly and with reduced safety risk through health information technology, the costs and return on investment will be appropriately balanced.

Opportunities and Challenges

The involvement of nurse informaticists comes with opportunities and challenges. Nurse informaticist inclusion allows nurses and interdisciplinary teams to moderate teams, organize workflow concepts, and develop solutions. The flow of people, equipment, and information between various organizations is made feasible through communication, coordination, and information management (Hebda et al., 2018). Ethical challenges involving data sharing with third-party and security of protected health information can within interdisciplinary teams. Society expects that nurses use their data and information in judicious ways. The intersection of informatics and healthcare creates a major ethical challenge. Nurse desire to use patient information and health data to improve patient care through communication and care coordination. However, the involvement of a third party through interdisciplinary teams risk breaching protected patient health information per the HIPAA rules.

Summary and Recommendation

Involving a nurse informaticist in the health organization will be important for four key reasons: workflow analysis, patient-centered care and user-centered technological designs, vendor management, team building, and vendor management. Nurse informaticists can moderate groups and organize concepts that will help the organization in organizing workflow. The organized workflow will enhance care efficiency and patient outcomes. Nurse informaticists have clinical and technical knowledge, making them best suited to designing health systems and projects (Bergren et al., 2020). Their collaborative abilities between other health organizations and technologists make the systems development life cycle more user-centered thus improving patient outcomes. Nurse informaticists’ understanding of both clinical and technological information improves vendor management through negotiating for the best technology product to meet the clinical needs of the organization (McGonigle & Mastrian, 2021). At the core of interdisciplinary teams, there should be nurse informaticists to manage information and workflow (Hussey & Kennedy, 2022). For interdisciplinary teams to work best, coordination and management of the flow of information and processes need to be top-notch. Therefore, a nurse informaticist will be an appropriate clinical and technological human resource that would make the organizational process efficient and cost-effective.


Bergren, M. D., & Maughan, E. D. (2020). Data and information literacy: A fundamental nursing competency. NASN School Nurse35(3), 140–142.

Bergren, Maughan, E. D., VanDenBrink, R., Foster, B. E., & Carveth, L. (2020). Nursing Informatics and School Nursing: Specialists Wanted. NASN School Nurse (Print)35(4).

Farokhzadian, J., Khajouei, R., Hasman, A., & Ahmadian, L. (2020). Nurses’ experiences and viewpoints about the benefits of adopting information technology in health care: a qualitative study in Iran. BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making20(1), 240.

Hebda, T. L., Hunter, K., & Czar, P. (2018). Handbook of informatics for nurses & healthcare professionals (6th ed.). Pearson.

Hussey, P., & Kennedy, M. A. (Eds.). (2022). Introduction to Nursing Informatics (5th ed.). Springer Nature.

Kayaalp, M. (2018). Patient privacy in the era of big data. Balkan Medical Journal35(1), 8–17.

Kwiatkoski, T. (2021, August 3). Nursing Informaticists Are the Backbone of Technology-Driven Care. ONS Voice. Retrieved from

McBride, S., & Tietze, M. (2022). Nursing informatics for the advanced practice nurse: Patient safety, quality, outcomes, and interprofessionalism. Springer Publishing.

McGonigle, D., & Mastrian, K. (2021). Nursing informatics and the foundation of knowledge (5th ed.). Jones & Bartlett.

Nibbelink, C. W., Young, J. R., Carrington, J. M., & Brewer, B. B. (2018). Informatics solutions for the application of decision-making skills. Critical Care Nursing Clinics of North America30(2), 237–246.

Zadvinskis, I. M., Garvey Smith, J., & Yen, P.-Y. (2018). Nurses’ experience with health information technology: Longitudinal qualitative study. JMIR Medical Informatics6(2), e38.


Instructions: Nursing Informatics in Health Care
• Write a 4-5 page evidence-based proposal to support the need for a nurse informaticist in an organization who would focus on improving health care outcomes.
As you begin to prepare this assessment, you are encouraged to complete the Team Perspectives of the Nurse Informaticist activity. Completion of this will help you succeed with the assessment as you explore the nurse informaticist’s role from the different perspectives of the health care team. Completing activities is also a way to demonstrate engagement.
Nurses at the baccalaureate level in all practice areas are involved in nursing informatics through interaction with information management and patient care technologies. Nurses must not only demonstrate knowledge of and skills in health information and patient care technologies, but also how to use these tools at the bedside and organizational levels. Moreover, nurses need to recognize how information gathered from various health information sources can impact decision making at the national and state regulatory levels.
For this assessment, assume you are a nurse attending a meeting of your state’s nurses association. A nurse informaticist conducted a presentation on her role and its impact on positive patient and organizational outcomes in her workplace. You realize that your organization is undergoing many technological changes. You believe this type of role could provide many benefits to your organization.
You decide to pursue proposing a nurse informaticist role in your organization. You speak to your chief nursing officer (CNO) and human resources (HR) manager, who ask you to prepare a 4–5 page evidence-based proposal to support the new role. In this way, they can make an informed decision as to whether the addition of such a role could justify the return on investment (ROI). They need your proposal before an upcoming fiscal meeting.​ This is not an essay, but instead, it is a proposal to create a new Nurse Informaticist position.
One important part of this assessment is the justification of the need for a nurse informaticist in a health care organization and references from relevant and timely scholarly or professional resources to support the justification for creating this nurse informaticist position. The term justify means to show or prove that the nurse informaticist position brings value to the organization. This justification must include evidence from the literature to support that this position will provide a return on investment for the organization.
To successfully prepare for this assessment, you will need to complete these preparatory activities:
• Review assessment resources and activities.
o Conduct independent research on the nursing knowledge and skills necessary to interact with health information and patient care technology.
o Focus your research on current resources available through peer-reviewed articles, professional websites, government websites, professional blogs, wikis, job boards, and so on.
• Consult the BSN Program Library Research Guide for help in identifying scholarly and authoritative sources.
• Interview peers in your network who are considered information technology experts.
o Ask them about how information technology advances are impacting patient care at the bedside, at the organizational level, and beyond.
Proposal Format
The chief nursing officer (CNO) and human resources (HR) manager have asked you to include the following headings in your proposal and to be sure to address the bullets following each heading:
Nursing Informatics and the Nurse Informaticist
• What is nursing informatics?
• What is the role of the nurse informaticist?
Nurse Informaticists and Other Health Care Organizations
• What is the experience of other health care organizations with nurse informaticists?
• How do these nurse informaticists interact with the rest of the nursing staff and the interdisciplinary team?
• How does fully engaging nurses in health care technology impact:
o Patient care?
o Protected health information (security, privacy, and confidentiality)?
o In this section, you will explain evidence-based strategies that the nurse informaticist and interdisciplinary team can use to effectively manage patients’ protected health information, particularly privacy, security, and confidentiality. Evidence-based means that they are supported by evidence from scholarly sources.
o Workflow?
o Costs and return on investment?
Opportunities and Challenges
• What are the opportunities and challenges for nurses and the interdisciplinary team with the addition of a nurse informaticist role?
o How can the interdisciplinary team collaborate to improve quality care outcomes through technology?
Summary of Recommendations
• What are 3–4 key takeaways from your proposal about the recommended nurse informaticist role that you want the CNO and the HR manager to remember?
o This is the section where the justification for the implementation of the nursing informaticist role is addressed. Remember to include evidence from the literature to support your recommendation.
Additional Requirements
• Written communication: Ensure written communication is free of errors that detract from the overall message.
• Submission length: 4–5 double-spaced pages, in addition to title and references pages.
• Font: Times New Roman, 12 point.
• Citations and References: Cite a minimum of three current scholarly and/or authoritative sources to support your ideas. In addition, cite a minimum of one current professional blog or website to support your central ideas. Current means no more than five years old.
• APA formatting: Be sure to follow APA formatting and style guidelines for citations and references. For an APA refresher, consult the Evidence and APA page on Campus.
Competencies Measured
By successfully completing this assessment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the following course competencies and scoring guide criteria:
• Competency 1: Describe nurses’ and the interdisciplinary team’s role in informatics with a focus on electronic health information and patient care technology to support decision making.
o Define nursing informatics and the role of the nurse informaticist.
o Explain how the nurse collaborates with the interdisciplinary team, including technologists, to improve the quality of patient care.
o Justify the need for a nurse informaticist in a health care organization.
• Competency 2: Implement evidence-based strategies to effectively manage protected health information.
o Explain evidence-based strategies that the nurse and interdisciplinary team can use to effectively manage patients’ protected health information (privacy, security, and confidentiality).
• Competency 5: Apply professional, scholarly communication to facilitate use of health information and patient care technologies.
o Follow APA style and formatting guidelines for citations and references.
o Create a clear, well-organized, and professional proposal that is generally free from errors in grammar, punctuation, and spelling.


Nursing Informatics in Health Care Scoring Guide

Define nursing informatics and the role of the nurse informaticist. Does not define nursing informatics and the role of the nurse informaticist. Defines nursing informatics and the role of the nurse informaticist, but the description lacks detail or is missing important information. Defines nursing informatics and the role of the nurse informaticist. Defines nursing informatics and the role of the nurse informaticist. References current data, evidence, or standards to support and refine definition.
Explain how the nurse informaticist collaborates with the interdisciplinary team, including technologists, to improve the quality of patient care. Does not explain how the nurse informaticist collaborates with the interdisciplinary team, including technologists, to improve the quality of patient care. Identifies but does not explain how the nurse informaticist collaborates with the interdisciplinary team, including technologists, to improve the quality of patient care. Explains how the nurse informaticist collaborates with the interdisciplinary team, including technologists, to improve the quality of patient care. Explains how the nurse informaticist collaborates with the interdisciplinary team, including technologists, to improve the quality of patient care. Makes explicit reference to scholarly or professional resources to support explanation.
Justify the need for a nurse informaticist in a health care organization. Does not justify the need for a nurse informaticist in a health care organization. Proposes but does not justify the need for a nurse informaticist in a health care organization. Justifies the need for a nurse informaticist in a health care organization. Justifies the need for a nurse informaticist in a health care organization and references relevant and timely scholarly or professional resources to support the justification.
Explain evidence-based strategies that the nurse informaticist and interdisciplinary team can use to effectively manage patients’ protected health information (privacy, security, and confidentiality). Does not explain evidence-based strategies that the nurse informaticist and interdisciplinary team can use to effectively manage patients’ protected health information (privacy, security, and confidentiality). Describes but does not explain evidence-based strategies that the nurse informaticist and interdisciplinary team can use to effectively manage patients’ protected health information (privacy, security, and confidentiality). Explains evidence-based strategies that the nurse informaticist and interdisciplinary team can use to effectively manage patients’ protected health information (privacy, security, and confidentiality). Explains evidence-based strategies that the nurse informaticist and interdisciplinary team can use to effectively manage patients’ protected health information (privacy, security, and confidentiality), with reference to specific data, evidence, or standards to support the explanation.
Follow APA style and formatting guidelines for citations and references. Does not follow APA style and formatting guidelines for citations and references. Partially follows APA style and formatting guidelines for citations and references. Follows APA style and formatting guidelines for citations and references. Follows APA style and formatting guidelines for citations and references with flawless precision and accuracy.
Create a clear, well-organized, and professional proposal that is generally free from errors in grammar, punctuation, and spelling. Does not create a clear, well-organized, and professional proposal that is generally free from errors in grammar, punctuation, and spelling. Creates a proposal that lacks clarity and/or has errors in grammar, punctuation, and spelling. Creates a clear, well-organized, and professional proposal that is generally free from errors in grammar, punctuation, and spelling. Creates a clear, comprehensive, well-organized, and professional proposal that is error-free in grammar, punctuation, and spelling.



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