PSY2012 General Psychology 1 Full Course Paper
PSY2012 General Psychology 1 Full Course Paper
Module 1Discussion
Chapter One: Introduction to the Science of Psychology
1) What are the four goals of psychology? How do you feel about the word “control”? Is it right for researchers to want to control human behavior? Why or why not?
2) Pages 8 – 14 discuss the roots, schools, and perspectives of Psychology. Name one thing that you read in this section that either surprised you, intrigued you, or stood out to you in some way. Please explain your answer thoroughly.
3) Please give me a GOOD example of critical thinking and tell me why it is important.
4) I want to do an experiment that will prove to the world that students learn better when there is a smaller teacher/child ratio. Explain how I may do this using information in section on research in the text.
5) If I study the the correlation between listening to music while studying and test scores, and get a .80 correlation coefficient, what does that mean?
PSY2012 General Psychology 1
Module 2Discussion
Chapter Ten – Sexuality and Gender
1) Do you believe parents should try to encourage their children to behave in the gender roles that our society has developed? Why or why not?
2) Your text touches on the story of David Reimer. Please watch the videos provided in this module and answer the following questions:
What does this story say about Nature vs Nurture?
What do you think about Dr. Money?
Do you think these boys died because of what happened to David?
Is there anything that could have been done to prevent this tragedy?
3) How have ideas on sexual orientation changed over the years? What do you attribute this change to?
4) If you were asked to develop a program that helped raise awareness of STD’s and the dangers of unprotected sex, what would you do?? Why is the point not getting across? I think many people think that STD’s are a thing of the past. Not so.
PSY2012 General Psychology 1
Module 3 Discussion
Chapter Eight – Human Development
Check out this article about Jean Piaget Biography of Jean Piaget (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. why do you think his work is so important? In what ways can we utilize the information that he has provide us in our families and as a society?
I would like you to do some research on teratogens. Please search your internet for teratogens and pick one to discuss. Tell the class what the substance is, what are it’s effects and the statistics concerning the likelihood of damage and amount of people that are effected. Please give the class your reference/website as well.
Could you please find two people from different levels of moral development as described by Kohlberg and give them the following scenario. Ask them if they think the man was right or wrong in doing what he did. Tell us the age of the person that you asked and which level of development they fit into. A young man had a wife who was dying and desparately needed a certain medication that would save her. He did not have the money for medication and the pharmacist refused to fill his prescription. Late one night, he broke into the pharmacy and took the medication for his wife. Was what he did wrong?
Please watch the video entitled “conception to birth”. What are your thoughts n the video, what was the most surprising/intriguing thing that you learned?
Look at the different parenting styles discussed in the text. What style of parenting were you raised with? Tell me one thing that impacted your life because of it (either positively or negatively).
PSY2012 General Psychology 1
Module 4 Discussion
1) If brain surgeons could safely install an electrode in your pleasure center so that you could push a button anytime you want to flood your brain with pleasure, would you elect to have such an operation? How would it affect your life if you could control your pleasure centers directly? Would you connect with more people or less people than you are right now in your life? Would you produce more work or less? Would you relate to your family more or less? Why/
2) There are several psychoactive drugs listed in the textbook. Please take the following drugs and list them (according to your opinion and the information that you find in research) from the MOST HAZARDOUS to the least hazardous. Please explain the rationale for your answer.
marijuana, opiates, cocaine, alcohol, nicotine
3) Look at the dream theories on page 165-168 and explain how followers of EACH of the three dream theories listed would explain the following dream: “I had a dream that I was on a subway train and Johnny Depp walked on. I felt instantly attracted to him and I wanted to run to him. He was motioning for me to come to him with those sultry eyes! I tried to run into his arms but my legs would not move.”
4) Have you or someone you know ever experienced one of the seep disturbances found on pages 158-161. Share a website (reputable meaning .gov, .edu, or .org) that discusses the cause and symptoms of the sleep disturbance that you or someone you know had difficulties with. (No one I know ever had any difficulties is not an acceptable answer:)
PSY2012 General Psychology 1
Module 5 Discussion
1) Give a real life example of classical conditioning that is not used in the textbook. What is the UR, US, CR, CS in your example??
2) Okay, true story: I had a cat once that was a biter. Every time I walk through a room he would come around the corner and attack my ankles. I got a spray bottle, filled it with water and every time he bit, I sprayed his face. Worked wonders! It got to the point where all I had to do was pick up the bottle and he would run off or stand there and blink profusely. But I got lazy and didn’t know where I put the bottle so I stopped doing it. Eventually he went right back to his stalking ways and was lurking around the doorways. What are the technical terms for what happened when the cat stopped biting and then began again? Explain in detail. How can I get the cat to permanently stop biting my ankles ?
3) The concept of operant conditioning depends on the notion that the environment provides rewards and punishments for behaviors. Based on your own life, what are the chief rewards and punishments provided by your human environment? What rewards really make you feel good? How has your behavior been changed by these rewards?
4) Can you give me a real life example in the media or in history where observational learning has caused a tragedy? Please share your source.
5) Please watch the video provided (Positive vs Negative Reinforcement). What is the difference in positive reinforcement, negative reinforcement, and punishment. Why do so many of the researchers say that reinforcement works better then punishment? What is the difference? More importantly why does one work better then another?
PSY2012 General Psychology 1
Module 6 Discussion
Chapter Seven: Cognition, Language, and Intelligence
1) There is a section in the textbook on making decisions. Please look at the following terms and give me a real-life example of how you or someone you have observed has used these judgements:
representativeness heuristic, availability heuristic, confirmation bias
2) There is also a section on problem solving in your textbook. Please take a problem that you or someone you know has had and explain what approach was used in solving the problem OR what barriers to problem solving were experienced using terms from the text.
3) Do you agree with the theory of Multiple Intelligence? What is this theory and why do you agree or disagree. Is there evidence for your thoughts?
4) How do you feel about Gifted Programs in the elementary schools? What are the benefits and/or disadvantages of these kinds of programs?
5) Please watch the video “Emotional Intelligence” and list the 5 skill sets of Emotional Intelligence. Some think that Emotional Intelligence is decreasing in today’s society as IQ is increasing. Please tell me your thoughts on this. Do you agree? Why or why not? If so, what has caused this? Please explain your answer.
PSY2012 General Psychology 1
Module 7 Discussion
Chapter Nine – Motivation and Emotion
1) Take a look at the theories of motivation on page 384 of your text. Then take a look at the following scenarios and pick a theory to describe what is going on to motivate the person.
Kellie has a history of test anxiety. Her final is coming up and instead of studying for the exam she goes out and gets wasted. She missed her exam and failed the class.
Jordan had a kidney stone and was put on pretty strong narcotics for pain. He enjoyed the way the narcotics made him feel so when his prescription ran out he started “borrowing” his father’s prescription, when that ran out he had to turn to getting the drugs off the street. Every day Jordan would say this was the last day but then by noon time he was looking for more pills.
Denise is a senior in high school, is going to college as an early admission student, is on the dance competition team, a member of the chorus, a star in the school plays, and on the brain bowl team. She comes from a stable home and feels as if she accepted by her peers. Her friends sometimes tease her because she is such an over-achiever.
2) What do you see as the causes behind eating disorders? The media has been blamed for years and yes, could be part of the reason why a person may struggle with these disorders, but what are the other causes?
3) Why do you think some people are energized by fear while other people avoid it? What makes one person a daredevil while another person is very cautious? What happens to each one physiologically when faced with fear?
4) Which theory of emotion do you support and why?
5) Please give me your definition of happiness?
PSY2012 General Psychology 1
Module 7 Discussion
Chapter Eleven – Personality
Please read about the personality theories in Chapter Eleven. Using the following case scenario tell me how each one of the personality theories would explain the reason for Meg’s behavior. (Psychoanalysis, Behavioral, Humanistic, Social-Cognitive, and Biological. This is not a short answer, be thorough and make sure you list all five theories.
1) Case Scenario: Meg has a terrible fear of driving over the bridge. Whenever she tries to go into Melbourne from the beaches, she becomes extremely panicky to the point of hyperventilating and has to turn around and go back. She hates that she cannot drive herself over the bridge because it is making her become dependent on her parents to drive her. She is angry at herself and extremely frustrated at the situation.
2) Look over the Ego Defense Mechanisms on page 463 of your text. Please give an example of how you or someone you know, uses or has used TWO of the defense mechanisms.
3) The birth order section is interesting. Look at your own family and tell me if you feel that this theory is accurate, give examples.
4) What is the difference between objective and subjective personality testing? What do you see as the benefits to these tests.PSY2012 General Psychology 1 Full Course
5) What do you see in this picture???
PSY2012 General Psychology 1
Module 8 Discussion
Chapter Thirteen – Psychological Disorders
1) Please look at the following case scenarios and using the criteria in the textbook, are these people abnormal? Please explain your answers in detail. Look at the description of the disorders in the textbook. Tell me which category or categories you think these people may fit into. I do not expect you to get the answer perfect, I am asking for you opinions, getting the wrong answer will not make you lose points. There may be more than one possibility based on the limits of the information you have, just give it your best shot. Don’t forget to read the entire chapter because some disorders seem to overlap or have similar symptoms.
- a) Harmony is 14 years old. She grew up in a commune in Calif. Her parents felt that she needed to be socialized and decided to put her in a public high school. She is very quiet and also reserved around her new peers. She does not shave her legs, or her armpits, or wear deodorant and this has led to some ridicule. She speaks very slowly and has a limited vocabulary that includes odd, ritualistic ways of speaking that she learned at the commune. She is happy at home, but cries when she is at school and begs her mom to let her stay home. She was happy and content with her life before this change.
- b) Jason is in prison for stealing, drug trafficking, and assault & battery on a woman. He has not been able to keep a job because he keeps getting fired due to absences or altercations with other employees. He says he is fine with himself, that everyone else is the problem and does not seem to have any desire to change his ways. He says he will do his time and then get out and continue his life the way he wants to.
- c) Nancy is hearing voices and seeing people that no one else can see. She is often seen carrying on conversations with people that are not there. She is content with her life, yet must be taken care of by her elderly mother because she forgets to eat or bathe or clean the house or feed the cat. She has medication but is not compliant with taking it.
- d) Tommy had a bad car accident and broke both his legs. He was given Morphine in the hospital and Percocet to take home. Tommy found that when he was taking the medication, the problems that he had with his wife were not so huge. He had his prescription. refilled twice and then began to get pills off the street and from different doctors. In a matter of 6 months, he was taking 80 mg. of Oxycontin per day. He began to worry and tried to stop but was in so much pain that he couldn’t. He still works, has had no problems at work or at home as long as he has his medicine.
- e) Whenever Jordan has to give a speech at work, she begins to sweat and her heart pounds and she feels dizzy to the point where she has to sit down. She often feels the same way when she is in Publix or driving in the car. There are times when she feels as if the person in the other car next to her is staring at her and thinking that she is ugly. Jordan has not told anyone about this and she has been able to carry on with her life without anyone knowing, but it is tearing her up inside. Sometimes on the way to work she imagines having a car wreck, just so she wouldn’t have to go. Last week she had to pull over because her hands were shaking, her heart was pounding, she felt nauseous and thought that she was going to go crazy.
- f) Clarissa was only four years old when she witnessed her father kill her mother in a domestic violence dispute. There was also allegations that the father had physically abused Clarissa and she was finally taken away from him when she told a neighbor (in a very childish voice) that one of her dad’s friends “put something inside her”. She was in foster care for the next year until she turned 18 and then went away to college. She was very quiet, but stayed to herself, never causing problems, but seeming very happy either. When she was in the freshman year at college her roommate began to notice that she would often forget where she was or not know what day it was. She said she suffered from horrible nightmares and that Clarissa would often wake up and ask her for the date and the town they were in. The final straw came when Clarissa referred to herself as Donna and became angry and aggressive.
2) Now look at these cases again and tell me what you think may have caused this problem. (Look at the textbook on pages 543-544 and choose one of the three factors). Explain your answers in detail.
3) What is learned helplessness? Give me an example of how this may look.
Module 2
Childhood Experience Essay DROPBOX
Paper Guidelines
Paper #1 will provide me with a sample of your writing ability and will be graded the most leniently of the 2 assignments. If, after grading this paper, I make any comments on your paper in CANVAS regarding the need for writing assistance take the recommendation very seriously. If you do not get assistance or do not bother to proofread subsequent assignments, I may return papers #2 ungraded. If I do so, and you wish to receive up to 50% credit for the paper, you must go to the Writing Center (or to an approved English professor) and have one of the instructors completely review your paper and assist you with corrections. The Melbourne Campus Writing Center is located in Building 2, room 125 and is staffed by instructors who will assist students in writing by providing tutoring, editorial, and grammatical assistance. Writing Center services are accessible by appointment only; no walk-ins. To contact the Melbourne Campus Writing Center, call (321) 433-5605.
Take the corrected, marked up paper and attach it to the newly corrected paper. Turn in both copies by the due date provided. If I have not received it at that time, then no points will be recorded.
Even if I make no negative comments regarding your writing capabilities on paper #1, do not automatically assume that paper 2 will be without error or that you are immune from being asked to rewrite it. Proofreading, effort and good writing skills are required for ALL assignments.
Assignment #1- Childhood Influence Paper. Prepare an essay which describes some childhood event (must have occurred prior to age 16) which you consider to be an important influence in your life. Explain the circumstances surrounding the event, who was involved and what your reaction was at the time that it occurred. Include how you feel this event contributed to the development of who you are today. You may write this paper in the first person. Paper must be a minimum of 750 words not including the APA cover page. While this paper deals with your personal childhood experience, it still needs to have 2 sources. Even though it is about you, the topic you choose to write about can still be researched. For example, if you were bullied as a child there is plenty of research which deals with the effect of bullying. If you had loving parents, there is research which deals with positive parenting. If you struggled with a learning disability, there is plenty of information available which deals with dyslexia, etc. Assignment is worth 75 points and due on August 22, 2018.
No abstract is needed. Please see the grading rubric for a complete explanation of expectations and points awarded
Module 4 Assignment
Psychological Research Paper
Before you begin, please remember that the quality of this research paper must earn at least a grade of a “70%”. I’ve already warned some folks that they need to use a Writing Center in writing this paper.
If you do not get assistance or do not bother to carefully proofread, I may return paper #2 ungraded. If I do so, and you wish to receive up to 50% credit for the paper, you must go to the Writing Center (or to an approved English professor) and have one of the instructors completely review your paper and assist you with corrections.
Research Writing Assignment #2 – 500 Words Minimum – 125 points
See Course Assignment Schedule for due date
Choose ONE of the following topics
Hyperactive Children: The Role of Biology (Nature) versus Environment (Nurture);
The Homeless Population and Associated Psychological Problems;
Relationship between Physical Illness and Stress;
or How Does Gender Affect Depression in Individuals?
Research the topic using the Eastern Florida State College Library journal databases to locate current peer reviewed information. EFSC Library Resources (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. Students must use a peer reviewed journal article, written within the past 10 years. Do not use “.com or .org” web-page articles for this assignment. Use approved sources. Suggested library databases: PsyArticles or Academic Search Complete.
Select an article that discusses an aspect of your selected topic. Save a copy of the journal article and attach a copy of the 1st page of the article to your finished paper.
Create a cover page (see Format Section above).
Develop a summary of your topic and the research article in essay format (Form well-presented paragraphs with sub-topic headings).PSY2012 General Psychology 1 Full Course
Do Not Copy the Abstract or any portion of the article word-for-word (this would be plagiarism). Always Paraphrase what you have read (place in your own words) and CITE the source that the information came from. Ex: (Licht, Ballantyne, & Hull, 2017)
Include the following information in the summary:
What are the main details surrounding your research topic? Present a very Strong Introduction & Thesis Statement.
- What nudged you to choose this particular topic to research?
- Describe the research you found in support of your research topic. (Cite source)
- What evidence exists to support the findings? (Cite source)
- Discuss the results of the study, what were the significant findings?
- Do you think the research adds new knowledge or insight to the topic, why or why not?
Did this research have any impact on you (positively, negatively, neutral)?
- Suggest other research that may be beneficial for the topic.
- Conclusion: write a concluding paragraph that summarizes the topic you’ve selected, your thoughts, and suggest research that may be valuable in adding more insight.
Show Word Count on Final Page
Create a Reference Page using the proper APA format for the reference. Two references are required. One peer-reviewed journal reference is required. Two total “approved” references are required for this assignment (journal article, book, .edu website).
Module 1 Quiz
Question 1
Psychology is the science of behavior. What, if anything is wrong with this question?
The definition is too broard. Psychology is the study of human behavior.
This definition is too narrow. Psychology is also the science of mental processes.
This definition is incorrect. Psychology is the science of mental processes.
The definition sounds ok actually.
Question 2
Dr. Davis provides psychotherapy to help people who suffer from psychological disorders. She is most likely a _______________________ psychologist.
Question 3
Most psychologists are employed in:
private practice.
higher education.
Question 4
Research designed to evaluate theories is called _____________________________research. Such research is sometimes described as gathering knowledge for the sake of knowledge.
Question 5
According to the textbook, psychology is a science because of
the advanced degrees required to work as a psychologist.
the technology now used to understand the brain.
its subject matter.
its focus on methodical observation and data analysis.
Question 6
Which two goals are included in the four goals of psychology?
Analysis and description
Prediction and control
Exploration and prediction
Analysis and control
Question 7
Anticipating future outcomes or behaviors is at the heart of psychology’s goal of:
Question 8
When psychologists explain behavior they:
shape desirable behavior.
observe behavior systematically.
organize and make sense of behavior.
project future behavior.
Question 9
Which psychologist is matched with the correct perspective?
John Watson – psychodynamic
George Miller – cognitive
Carl Rogers – behavioral
Jean Piage – sociocultural
Question 10
__________________________ thinking involves considering various pieces of evidence, synthesizing them, and relating them to the bigger picture.
Module 2 PSY2012 General Psychology 1 Full Course
Chapter Ten Quiz
Question 1
The term _____ refers to the dimension of masculinity and femininity based on social, cultural, and psychological characteristics.
Question 2
Kinsey and colleagues conducted research in the mid-1900s investigating sexual behavior using the
naturalistic observation
case study
Question 3
The man contributes _____ when a man and a woman conceive a child.
a Y chromosome
either an X or a Y chromosome
an X chromosome
both an X chromosome and a Y chromosome
Question 4
With respect to gender, _____ are superior in mental rotation tasks; this difference is attributed _____ to the impact of one’s environment.
men; entirely
women; entirely
women; at least partly
men; at least partly
Question 5
The term “_____” has replaced the term “hermaphrodite” because the latter term is outdated, derogatory, and misleading.
Question 6
Baby Nicole should understand masculine and feminine gender roles by the time she is ____ old.
18 years
4 to 5 years
3 to 4 years
2 to 3 years
Question 7
Rick is a blend of stereotypically masculine and stereotypically feminine characteristics. For instance, he is both assertive and nurturing. Rick may be described as:
Question 8
Masters and Johnson’s groundbreaking human sexual response research was based on:
case studies.
naturalistic observation.
the survey method.
laboratory studies.
Question 9
The penis becomes erect and the clitoris swells in the _____ phase of the human sexual response cycle.
Question 10
Research suggests that homosexuality in men is _____ genetic.
Not at all
Module 3 Quiz
Question 1
- Konrad Lorenz conducted studies of:
mental maps among rats.
imprinting among goslings.
attachment among monkeys.
insight among chimpanzees
Question 2
Critical periods provide evidence that development:
largely reflects “nurture.”
is usually continuous or gradual.
is characterized by stability.
may occur in stages
Question 3
The textbook refers to the nature-versus-nature issue as a debate regarding:
stages or continuity.
stability and change.
behavior and cognition.
heredity and the environment.
Question 4
Cindy is studying cognitive development during adulthood. She administers several memory and problem-solving tasks to a group of 20-year-olds, a group of 40-year-olds, and a group of 70-year-olds. Cindy is using a _____ research design.
Question 5
Chromosomes are composed of _____, which is/are composed of _____.
DNA; genes
phenotypes; genotypes
genotypes; phenotypes
genes; DNA
Question 6
Andrew is 1 month old. Caleb is 7 months old. Angelique is 9 months old. Which statement is MOST likely true?
Andrew can roll over.
Caleb can stand while holding on to something.
Angelique can walk alone.
Angelique can stack two cubes.
Question 7
Mrs. Janssen is pregnant. Her baby’s limbs and ears have just started to form. The baby is in the _____ stage of prenatal development
Question 8
Which language acquisition stage or phenomenon is CORRECTLY matched with its definition?
cooing – single words used to convey an entire message.
babling-repeated vowel only sounds
holophrase-early vowel/consonant combinations
telegraphic speech-two word phrases
Question 9
The Swiss scholar Jean Piaget made groundbreaking contributions to the study of _____development.
Question 10
Peek-a-boo games are compelling for babies because infants in the sensorimotor stage lack_______________________________.
formal operations
object permanence
No answer text provided.
Module 4 Quiz
Question 1
- Opium is most closely related to which pain relieving drug?
Question 2
- When one is conscious, one is:
able to respond to external stimuli.
capable of higher level thinking.
aware of oneself, ones thoughts and ones environment.
awake and alert.PSY2012 General Psychology 1 Full Course
Question 3
- As you begin an assignment, you are distracted by an ever-changing flow of thought. _____________ highlighted this aspect of consciousness.
William James
Wilhelm Wundt
Edward Titchener
John Watson
Question 4
- The process of information-collecting and saving it with little or no conscious effort is called:
sensory adaptation
inattentional blindness
selective attention
automatic processing
Question 5
- Gerri ignores the sound of the television to focus on a telephone conversation. Gerri’s experience best illustrates
sensory adaptation
automatic processing
selective attention
inattentional blindness
Question 6
- Being awake, aware, and oriented is characterized by ________waves, while deep sleep is characterized by ____________waves.
Question 7
- Courtney is a participant in a lab sleep study. Her EEG begins showing small bursts of electrical activity known as sleep spindles and K-complexes. Courtney has entered which stage of sleep?
Question 8
- The familiar experience of having one’s attention captured by the mention of one’s name in a crowded room is called the _____ effect. It is one illustration of _____.
cocktail-party; inattentional blindness
change blindness;selective attention
change blindness; inattentional blindness
cocktail-party; selective attention
Question 9
- Dreams occur during _____ sleep; deep sleep refers to _____ sleep.
N1; N3
Question 10
- Which figure BEST approximates the number of hours of sleep the average American gets each night?
<pclass=”msonormal”>Module 5 quiz</pclass=”msonormal”>
Question 1
When we associate two different stimuli, we are learning through the process of:
observational learning.
classical conditioning.
operant conditioning.
latent learning
Question 2
Absalom receives a new “Make your own Marker” set for his birthday, and his mother tells him to wait to use it until she can help him. He disobeys her and gets the ink all over his bedroom carpet. Absalom is then punished with a 30-minute timeout, and he loses his Marker Maker kit. Absalom’s mother is teaching him through the process of:
observational learning
classical conditioning
latent learning
operant conditioning
Question 3
A loud noise automatically elicits a startle response. In this instance, being startled is a(n):
unconditioned response
conditioned response
unconditioned stimulus
conditioned stimulus
Question 4
In the _____ phase of the classical conditioning process, a neutral stimulus is paired with a(n) _____stimulus.
last; conditioned
first; conditioned
first; unconditioned
Question 5
Pictures of chili peppers make Dionne’s mouth water when she browses cooking sites on the Web. In Pavlov’s terms, pictures of chili peppers are _____ stimuli for Dionne since she had to learn their association with yummy dishes.
Question 6
Billie’s mouth waters when she sees a picture of jalapenos in a cooking magazine but not when she sees a picture of okra on the next page. Billie is demonstrating stimulus _______________________.
Question 7
Chrissie drinks cola every day. She texts the codes printed on the bottle caps to a reward center. For every 40 codes she texts, she receives a free bottle of soda. Chrissie’s behavior is reinforced on a _____schedule.
No answer text provided.
Question 8
Higher order conditioning involves forming an association between:
a new neutral stimulus and an unconditioned stimulus.
a new neutral stimulus and a conditioned stimulus.
two unconditioned stimuli.
a conditioned stimulus and an unconditioned stimulus.
Question 9
Marlisa becomes sick after eating scallops. Thereafter, clams and mussels also make her sick, but shrimp and lobster do not. Marlisa’s experience illustrates:PSY2012 General Psychology 1 Full Course
stimulus discrimination
stimulus generalization
neither stimulus generalization nor stimulus discrimination.
both stimulus generalization and stimulus discrimination
Question 10
In conditioned taste aversion, spoiled or poisoned food is a powerful:
unconditioned stimulus
higher order stimulus
conditioned stimulus
<pclass=”msonormal”><pclass=”msonormal”>Module 6 Quiz</pclass=”msonormal”></pclass=”msonormal”>
Question 1
Psychologists’ focus shifted away from the study of cognition in the _____ and back toward it in the _____.
1930’s; 1950’s
1910’s; 1950’s
Question 2
Specific rules are a major component of _____ concepts.
Question 3
A stroke impairs Ethan’s ability to make plans, control his impulses, and process his emotions. The stroke probably damaged Ethan’s _____ lobe.
Question 4
Mitch refuses to dine at a certain restaurant because he recalls reading two or three negative reviews of its service on a popular website. Mitch is falling prey to:
availability hueristic
confirmation bias
functional fixedness
the framing effect
Question 5
People tend to seek evidence that supports their existing beliefs. This is called:
a mental set
confirmation bias
framing effect
functional fixedness
Question 6
Researchers at Boston University examined the brains of 85 individuals who had received repeated trauma to the head. How many of them showed evidence of CTE?
Question 7
Will has been a competitive fighter for over 3 years, and in his matches regularly endures repeated punches and kicks to his head. Which condition should be of significant concern to Will’s primary care physician?
dementia of Alzheimer’s type
chronic traumatic encephalopathy
von Willebrand’s disease
Question 8
Which individual should be MOST concerned about the effects of CTE?
Amanda, who works in the tanning and hides industry
Marius, who is a football player in college
Marie, who is going to school to be an automotive technician
Javon, who plays volleyball in high school
Question 9
What commonly builds up in the brains of those with Alzheimer’s disease and those with chronic traumatic encephalopathy?
ventricle fluid
beta-amyloid plaques
neurofibrillary tangles
tau proteins
Question 10
Which term refers to the social rules for how a language is used in a certain setting?
<pclass=”msonormal”><pclass=”msonormal”><pclass=”msonormal”>Module 7 Quiz</pclass=”msonormal”></pclass=”msonormal”></pclass=”msonormal”>
PSY2012 General Psychology 1 Full Course CHAPTER ELEVEN
Question 1
- Which statement is NOT a part of the definition of personality?
It involves a unique, core set of characteristics.
It influences how one thinks, feels, and acts
It is based almost entirely on biology and genetics.
It is consistent and enduring throughout the life span.
Question 2
_____ is an element of _____.
Character; temperament
Temperament; personality
Personality; character
Personality; temperament
Question 3
. _____ personality theories assert that personality is largely shaped through interactions with the environment, specifically through learning.
Question 4
Dr. Charleston is teaching a class on personality theory, and she emphasizes the idea that people are innately good and control their own destinies. Dr. Charleston is teaching from a(n) _____ perspective of personality.
Question 5
In Freud’s view, the LEAST conscious component of the mind is the:
Question 6
When Lea buries herself in her work to avoid her emotions, she is using the Freudian defense mechanism of:
Question 7
Carmen is 4. Her sister Lisa is 8. Which pairing matches a sister with the CORRECT stage of psychosexual development?
Carmen – oral stage
Lisa – phallic stage
Carmen – genital stage
Question 8
During the _____ stage of psychosexual development, conflict may surround _____.
oral; weaning
anal; autoeroticism
phallic; toilet training
oral; autoeroticism
Question 9
Adler, Jung, and Horney are considered _____ psychologists.
Question 10
Self-concept is to _____ as _____ is to Maslow.
Rotter; self-esteem
Rogers; self-efficacy
Rogers; self-actualization
Bandura; self-actualization PSY2012 General Psychology 1 Full Course
<pclass=”msonormal”><pclass=”msonormal”><pclass=”msonormal”><pclass=”msonormal”>Module 7 Quiz</pclass=”msonormal”></pclass=”msonormal”></pclass=”msonormal”></pclass=”msonormal”>
Question 1
Motivation is defined as:
a stimulus that directs behavior, thought, and emotion.
the processes whereby information is encoded, stored, and retrieved.
the process whereby behavior changes as a result of experience.
the ability to generate new solutions to problems.
Question 2
Roland is a sales associate in a jewelry store. He tries to sell as many expensive pieces as he can because of the commission he earns. He does not really enjoy his work but see is it as a way to earn a living until something better comes along. In this example, Roland is driven primarily by _____ motivation.
Question 3
Extrinsic motivation _____ intrinsic motivation on activities where interest in the activity already existed in the absence of rewards.
often increases
sometimes increases
does not affect
often diminishes
Question 4
An instinct is a:
state of tension that activates behavior to satisfy a goal.
complex behavior that is fixed, unlearned, and universal to a species.
physiological tendency to maintain a constant internal state.
behavior driven entirely by the external environment.
Question 5
A drive is a:
state of tension that pushes or motivates us to meet a need.
complex behavior that is innate and universal.
physiological tendency to maintain a constant internal state.
is.behavior motivated entirely by external consequence
Question 6
Abraham Maslow is associated with the _____ theory of motivation.
Question 7
The need to feel that one is respected by others is a description of the _____ need in Maslow’s hierarchy.
Question 8
Many people aim to leave the world a better place than they found it. Maslow used the term “_____” to refer to this type of motivation, which he added to his hierarchy of needs later in his life.
Question 9
According to self-determination theory, people have a fundamental need for:
Question 10
_____ demonstrated how stomach contractions are sometimes indicative of hunger.
Deci and Ryan
James and Lange
Cannon and Washburn
Rogers and Maslow
<pclass=”msonormal”><pclass=”msonormal”><pclass=”msonormal”><pclass=”msonormal”><pclass=”msonormal”>Module 8 Quiz</pclass=”msonormal”></pclass=”msonormal”></pclass=”msonormal”></pclass=”msonormal”></pclass=”msonormal”>
Question 1
Abusing alcohol is against one’s best interests, as it can lead to very negative consequences in a number of areas. Alcohol abuse is therefore considered:
Question 2
Recall the 3 Ds of psychological abnormality. Distress refers to the degree to which one’s behaviors or emotions:
Interfere with relationships or daily life.
Are rare or unusual.
Make an individual uncomfortable and upset.
Fall outside society’s standards or rules.
PSY2012 General Psychology 1 Full Course Question 3
A cultural disorder that is marked by a man fearing that his genitals are disappearing into his abdomen is known as:
Question 4
In the cases in which it is used, the insanity defense is _____ successful.
Almost always
Not usually
Question 5
The DSM-5 lists about _____ disorders.
Question 6
The causes of psychological abnormality are complex. The view that MOST explicitly recognizes this fact is the _____ perspective.
Question 7
The MOST prevalent anxiety disorder is:
Specific phobia
Social anxiety disorder
Generalized anxiety disorder
Panic disorder
Question 8
Aidan is sweating and nauseous. His heart is racing, and he feels as if he might die. Aidan is suffering from:
Generalized anxiety disorder
Social anxiety disorder
Panic disorder
Specific phobia
Question 9
Stan is focused on cleaning his home, which he does for several hours each day. In particular, the fringe on his rugs must be straight on both sides in all five rooms. This takes considerable time, and Stan often repeats his rug-straightening behavior 10 to 12 times each day. This behavior is an example of a(n):
Question 10
To qualify as disordered, obsessions or compulsions must be disabling and consume at least _____ hour(s) each day.
1 PSY2012 General Psychology 1 Full Course