Registered Nurse
Registered Nurse
Hospital Nurses are typically assigned to work in one area such as ICU, surgery, maternity, paediatrics, emergency, or oncology, but sometimes Nurses can rotate among departments. The State laws govern the tasks that a Registered Nurse can perform, but the daily tasks of a Nurse are dependant on where they work.
The duties of a Registered Nurse include:
Treating sick or injured patients.
Teaching patients, their families and the public about medical conditions.
Educating patients on post-treatment and home care needs.
Promoting general health by educating the public on warning signs and symptoms of disease.
Providing advice and support (both medical and emotional) to the families of the patient.
Taking a record of a patients symptoms and medical history.
Performing diagnostic tests.
Analyzing the results of diagnostic tests.
Operating specialist medical equipment.
Administering medication and treatments.
Patient follow-up and rehabilitation support.
Explaining diet, nutrition, and exercises to patients.
Providing advice and support to the families of patients.
Monitoring patient’s symptoms.
Taking patients medical histories.
Assisting other healthcare professionals in the rehabilitation of patients.
Supervising Nursing Assistants and Licensed Practical Nurses.
Operating Medical Equipment.
Where they work: Registered nurses can work in many environments including Hospitals, Nursing Homes, Hospices, Manufacturing Companies, Medical Companies, Physicians’ Offices, Laboratories, Emergency Medical Centers, Government and Private Agencies, the Legal Profession, Technology Companies, Insurance Companies, Clinics and Schools. Registered nurses can also provide healthcare by travelling to patient’s homes or clinics in specified areas. Registered nurses who work in hospitals provide 24 hour care to patients and often work night shifts.