Research information dissemination strategies

Research information dissemination strategies

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The main goal of dissemination is to share the knowledge you learned from the research conducted, and the results of your findings, with stakeholder, and those not on your team (AHRQ, 2014). Dissemination is an integral part of the evaluation strategies, and should be thought about at the time of evaluation planning. There are many strategies methods to dissemination research information such as publishing program or policy briefs, publishing project findings in national journals and statewide publications, presenting at national conferences and meetings of professional associations, presenting program results to local community groups and other local stakeholders, creating and distributing program materials, such as flyers, guides, pamphlets and DVDs, creating toolkits of training materials and curricula for other communities, sharing information through social media or on an organization’s website are all ways in which you can share you e results (Rural Health Information Hub, 2011).

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Steps in developing dissemination strategies could involve reviewing past efforts, devis objectives, determine your audience, developing a message, deciding on your approach, review resources, consider timing, and then evaluate the efforts (AHRQ, 2014). In determining your audience some examples could be State associations of county and city health officials, State Offices of Rural Health (SORH), hospital associations, public health associations, rural health associations, universities and charitable foundations, federal agencies, community groups, faith-based organizations, state and county extension offices, and schools (Rural Health Information Hub, 2011). The internal method use in my EBP would be to share the findings and results with administration, and stakeholders, and post results in nurse’s office for review, and the external method the results could be reported to an public health association, or National School Nurse association.



Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality [AHRQ]. (2014). Quick-start Guide to Dissemination for Practice-based Research Networks. Retrieved from

Rural Health Information Hub. (2011). Methods of Dissemination. Retrieved from

Research information dissemination strategies

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