Sustainability Plan Essay

Sustainability Plan Essay

Areas for Consideration Detailed Plan

After project completion:

·         What will you continue to measure?

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·         What will you stop measuring?

·         What will you do if you see a negative effect?

·         What will you do if you see clinical significance, but not statistical significance?

Project sustainability refers to the ability of an institution to maintain a project’s function over time. Project planning should also encompass activities after completion, especially if the project has to continue. After the completion of a project, its adoption in the facility makes it the new norm, hence the need to assign it to the healthcare leaders, lay the foundation for its sustainability, and give room for new projects. After this project’s completion, we will continue measuring the outcomes to determine the long-term effects and sustainability of the project. These items to measure are complication prevalence, the success rate in cannulation procedures, and the project costs. The measures to stop measuring staff job satisfaction and patient satisfaction because these measures are varied and are affected by many confounders; hence not accurate measures of the program’s effectiveness. A negative effect signifies project failure and can result from many issues, such as mismanagement. The failure calls for a root cause analysis to determine the factors affecting success and address them accordingly. Clinical significance is argued as the most important aspect of a project, more than statistical significance. Sharma (2021) notes that clinical significance focuses on quality and safety outcomes, not numbers. Thus, clinical significance in the project, even without statistical significance, will warrant its continuity, despite no statistical significance.

·         Who will own the new process that was implemented?

·         How will you tell if the person is engaged and onboard with the improvement process?

The charge nurse in the unit will own the new process to ensure it is well implemented. The charge nurse controls all other ward activities and oversees communication and interaction between nurses and other professionals, making them the best person to control/own the newly implemented process. Scott and Scott (2021) note that nurse leaders are patient and staff advocates, and in this project, they will ensure they get the interventions they deserve, hence the charge nurse’s suitability in owning the project.

Being fully engaged in a project’s implementation is crucial to any leader. The critical path method is vital in implementation as it outlines the major tasks and showcases their significance before implementation. Atin and Lubis (2019) state that the critical path method outlines activities and their timelines and offers platforms to track all performed and not performed activities. The CP method will thus help tell if charge nurses are engaged and on board with the improvement process. Other methods that can be used are performance appraisal using management by objectives. The leader’s performance will be evaluated against the set objectives to help understand their engagement and progress in the improvement process.


·         How will you communicate about the change and who will be the messenger?

·         When will communication take place?

·         How will you support individuals in the new process?

·         What type of training will you use after project completion?

·         Who will be responsible for that training?

Change communication will occur face-to-face, unit social media platforms, and through emails. Communication will take place before preparation and during project implementation. The messenger will be the charge nurse. The intention is to ensure they won the change very early to ease the process of controlling the project. Individuals’ support will be through monetary incentives for those involved in direct project implementation to help motivate them and retain their focus. The staff will also be educated on the new project to ensure they understand it and can capably implement the desired changes.

After project completion, technical and compliance training will be vital for all staff. Silic and Lowry (2020) note that compliance training equips staff with knowledge of internal and external policies, laws, and regulations that govern practice. Technical training equips them with skills and competencies to implement their daily tasks. Thus, compliance and technical training are the most suitable methods.

The unit nephrologists and the advanced nurse practitioners will be in charge of training other professionals. These professionals have extensive education and training, which places them in suitable positions to train others to implement the desired changes. Having internal trainers will also reduce the costs associated with the program, saving on scarce healthcare resources.

Change Management

·         How would you use your evidence-based change model to ensure adoption and sustainability?

·         How will you standardize the process so that it is easy to do the “new” right thing?

Responding to change barriers is crucial to reduce change resistance and to enhance project success. The first step is to provide data to the staff on the significance of the problem and the need for change. The data will also help them understand the need for change. Involving them indecision-making and providing incentives for the early those who participate directly in change implementation will thus be integral (Nadim and Singh, 2019).

The theory of interest is Kurt Lewin’s change theory. Saleem et al. (2019) state that the theory motivates employees to participate in organizational formal and sustainable change. The three-stage model has three stages that help facilitate change and ensure sustainability. The first stage deals with change resistance and will help manage any resistance to change and ensure professionals take up change and are ready to implement it. The second stage is the moving stage, which enhances adoption through supporting activities such as providing incentives and tools to facilitate change. These two stages will enhance the adoption of the change in the facility. The third stage, refreezing, entails ensuring the permanency of the change by embedding it in the organizational culture. The change is supported by policy and guidelines changes and thus benefits such as funding and monitoring (Saleem et al., 2019). Funding and lack of monitoring and support are some of the greatest barriers to project success; thus, availing them will enhance the project’s success. Thus, the theory will be vital in enhancing the adoption and sustainability of the plan.

The change might be complex, making it difficult to occur, especially due to knowledge issues and reluctance. I will break down the process into many achievable tasks to ensure smooth implementation and spread the change over time. The move will ensure staff understand a change aspect before moving on to the next and eliminate the change resistance that accompanies complex projects.


·         Is the change increasing the overall workload to the system?

·         If so, how can you decrease the workload?

·         If not, how will you communicate about what is changing and not changing?

Healthcare providers are currently facing high workload levels, especially due to the shortage of nurses and other healthcare providers. Change interventions should thus be workload sensitive because adding more workload could affect staff’s productivity significantly. The change intervention will not increase the current workload but will streamline the processes by ensuring accuracy, accountability, and healthcare efficiency. The changes will occur in patient and staff education and follow-up of these interventions using tools and checklists. For example, patient education is a routine practice perched by the nurses, but with the implementation of the new practice, patient education will be procedural and entail various specific topics pertinent to patients in this hospital and with renal care needs. Staff education will also entail specific topics to enhance certain necessary competencies among professionals. A process map of the entire project detailing the specific changes will be sent to all healthcare providers to enhance their knowledge of the change. In addition, a poster detailing the differences between the routine practices and the change will be placed on the notice board to ensure it is available for all professionals.


Atin, S., & Lubis, R. (2019, November). Implementation of critical path method in project planning and scheduling. In IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering (Vol. 662, No. 2, p. 022031). IOP Publishing.

Nadim, A., & Singh, P. (2019). Leading change for success: embracing resistance. European Business Review, 31(4), 512-523.

Saleem, S., Sehar, S., Afzal, M., Jamil, A., & Gilani, S. A. (2019). Accreditation: application of Kurt Lewin’s theory on private health care organizational change. Saudi Journal of Nursing and Health Care2, 12.

Scott, S. M., & Scott, P. A. (2021). Nursing, advocacy, and public policy. Nursing ethics28(5), 723-733.

Sharma, H. (2021). Statistical significance or clinical significance? A researcher’s dilemma for appropriate interpretation of research results. Saudi Journal of Anaesthesia15(4), 431.

Silic, M., & Lowry, P. B. (2020). Using design-science-based gamification to improve organizational security training and compliance. Journal of Management Information Systems37(1), 129-161.



I’ve attached the previous assignments(Quality and Sustainability Parts 1 & 2) submitted that this plan is based on. I have also attached the Sustainability Plan Template for completing this assignment.

Sustainability Worksheet

Assessment Description

The purpose of this assignment is to identify the elements needed to create a long-term plan to sustain the improved outcomes for your proposed evidence-based quality and/or safety program selected for your Quality and Sustainability paper.

You will use this worksheet to develop your Sustainability Plan Presentation in Topic 7.

General Guidelines:

Use the attached “Sustainability Plan Worksheet” to complete this assignment.

Scholarly or peer-reviewed research articles are required for support. Sources must be published within the last 5 years and appropriate for the assignment criteria and nursing practice.

While APA style is not required for the body of this assignment, solid academic writing is expected, and documentation of sources should be presented using APA formatting guidelines, which can be found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.

This assignment uses a rubric.


Use the “Sustainability Plan Worksheet” to complete this assignment. Follow the instructions on the worksheet as indicated.


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