trends in health care services in the United States
trends in health care services in the United States
The discussion requires a minimum of 300 words, 3 scholarly sources, including the textbook. Make sure that you use APA style with your references. Under no circumstances use any direct quotes. Any directly quoted or copied material will result in a zero for the assignment. Let’s be sure to write it in own work 100% and give appropriately when using someone’s else work.
Reference for textbook attached:
Williams, S. J., & Torrens, P. R. (2008). Introduction to health services (7th ed.). Clifton Park, NY: Thomson Delmar Learning.
Identify and describe at least 3 major trends in health care services in the United States over the past 5 years. How are your identified trends anticipated to change over the next 3-5 years?
Requirements: a minimum of 300 words (main post) and three scholarly sources.
Resources to get you started:
The following is short video that provides an overview of the state of our health care system:
The following link provides data from the Peterson-Kaiser Health System Trackers that examines U.S. health care system on key metrics including spending, quality of care, access and affordability, and health and well-being:
Refer to the following website to address recent and present trends in health delivery services: American Hospital Association. 2018 Environmental Scan: Trends that Are Shaping Health Care. Retrieved from
1,500 word count and there is a total of 6 questions each (not including in-text citation and references as the word count), a minimum of 4 scholarly sources are required in APA format. For the 4 scholarly sources, one from the textbook that’s posted below and the other two from an outside source . Let’s be sure to write it in own work 100% and give appropriately when using someone’s else work. Under no circumstances use any direct quotes. Any directly quoted or copied material will result in a zero for the assignment.
Reference for textbook attached:
Williams, S. J., & Torrens, P. R. (2008). Introduction to health services (7th ed.). Clifton Park, NY: Thomson Delmar Learning.
T. S. Eliot – The Rock
-Where is the wisdom we have lost in knowledge? Where is the knowledge we have lost in information?
The U.S. is currently undergoing major changes in the healthcare system. These changes may or may not be particularly well thought through, comprehensive or even cohesive. We are not certain whether the courts will uphold the new healthcare law or find it unconstitutional. This will be the norm as U.S. healthcare enters its next phase of evolution. Let’s start with the big picture:
1 Knowledge: Demonstrate that you know how healthcare got from primitive self-care to where the U.S. is today. Write 2-3 paragraphs with at least two references. Tell the history of healthcare quickly starting with self-care 10,000 years ago until the 21st century.
2 Comprehension: Show that you understand/comprehend the major developments and a rough time line that brought about the most significant changes in the system over the past 100 years. Choose about 4-5 “tipping points” in healthcare and demonstrate in your own words what/how/why they impacted healthcare. Focus on “health Care” not on policy changes or developments. A “tipping point” is an event that was revolutionary and changed the world.
3 Application: Give at least one real life example of how this tipping point changed the system. E.g. Salk vaccine curing Polio.
4 Analysis: Do a comparative analysis of events driving the change. The pros and cons of the changes. What worked? Why? Did things change for the better/worse? What were the drivers/root causes of the change? (Root cause analysis) e.g. what caused the Salk vaccine?
5 Synthesis: Give one brief new and unique idea of your own or cite a research publication that can make a significant contribution/change in the way we think and operate healthcare. Do research to see/confirm your idea is new and unique. E.g. “spend more money” is not new or unique.
6 Evaluation: Is your/other idea better/worse/same, how, why than what is practiced now.
How is your idea better in terms of outcomes?
How is your idea worse?
What unintended consequences might come from your idea? A critical self-review?
Note: Each of these needn’t be long or expansive. Brevity is the soul of wit (Shakespeare). Practice efficiency and directness in your answers. Get to the point quickly. Avoid unnecessary “backfill”. Every word needs to make a contribution to the end points that you intend to make. Practice quiddity.