United States Healthcare System Essay
United States Healthcare System Essay
Comparative Analysis: Instructions Although there isn’t a single reason, in general, comparison allows us to identify the areas for improvement in our own system. As you have learned in the module, resources available for healthcare, human and monetary, are limited so spending on the areas that stand to produce the most impact is critical to reducing spending, improving outcomes, and long-term sustainability. Similar to the way your unit, office, or organization may benchmark its outcomes against national outcomes or those of comparable institutions to determine future courses of action, country-to-country comparisons allow us to do the same for several key indicators of our healthcare system. The staff nurse is the hub of the inter professional unit that cares for a client; the DNP graduate is the hub of the intersection between practice, research, and policy and should be prepared to critically analyze the major drivers of policy (American Association of Colleges of Nursing, 2006). Step 1: Step 2: (a) (b) (c) (d) chronic disease outcomes hospital-related care or patient safety outcomes life expectancy mortality rate You may choose a single country or multiple countries to complete this. In addition to overall figures, address at least one of the above as it relates to your specialty area or track. Step 3: Economics. Compare and contrast the economics of healthcare in the U.S to comparable developed nations. Include a comparison of the following: (a) (b) (c) (d) gross domestic product as it relates to healthcare spending healthcare expenditure per capita spending priorities cost sharing Step 4: Current Issues and Sustainability. Choose and discuss ONE (1) of the following related to current issues in and the sustainability of our current system: A. B. C. D. E. Step 5: Explain how the individual mandate or the participation of healthy persons in the insurance system is critical to reduce cost in our current healthcare system. Summarize current data on infant and maternal morbidity and mortality in the U.S. Discuss the relationship between the birth rate and the aging population on the cost and sustainability of healthcare systems. Discuss the implications of providing basic healthcare services to nonlegal immigrants in the face of immigration being one of our largest population growers. United States Healthcare System Essay
Discuss where the U.S. healthcare system has excelled and what outcomes have benefitted, and explain the relationship between healthcare innovation and the cost of healthcare. Compare common assumptions regarding universal healthcare to evidence on the subject, and discuss the barriers of implementing such a system in the U.S. Health Disparities. Summarize current data on health disparities and inequities in our system. How does this compare to other developed nations? Identify some of the causes of health disparities and explain how they lead to poorer outcomes. Additional Notes: • This is a formal paper and should include and introduction and a conclusion and avoid the use of first person. • The paper should be organized with APA-formatted headings that are consistent with rubric order. • Peer-reviewed references, evidence (results of formal inquiry published in the literature), and current data are your primary types of support and are necessary to develop the paper as expected. United States Healthcare System Essay
There should be a minimum of 5 references included as support for your work. • Relevant statistics and figures are expected to support your discussion throughout. • The paper should be approximately five (5) pages in length (excluding title and reference pages). Submission Instructions: The paper should be submitted as either a Word document or a PDF to the designated space. Your work will automatically be submitted to turnitin.com upon submission to the course. 1. Introduction 1 to >0.5 pts 0.5 to >0.0 pts 0 pts Fully Met Partially Met Not Met The topic of the paper is introduced and supporting The introduction may be The statements that address background and relevance lacking development of section are included. The introduction is a single required components is paragraph ending with a direct thesis statement and/or may not end in a absent. that informs the reader of the purpose or the thesis. 1 pts primary objective of this paper. The Affordable Care Act 3 to >2.0 pts 2 to >1.0 pts 1 to >0.0 pts 0 pts Fully Met Partially Met Minimally Met Not Met 1. Discuss healthcare The student uses the The relationship of Two or more of The section outcomes before and framework of access, cost, conclusions to access, the posed is absent or after the ACA. and quality to discuss U.S. quality, and cost are questions are addresses 2. Consider what has health outcomes before and inconsistently minimally material improved, stayed the after the ACA. The section discussed. One of the addressed or other than same, or still needs is well developed and posed questions may absent. what was work regarding includes what has require additional Connections to required. access, cost, and improved, what has stayed development and access, cost, and quality. the same, and what still clarity. quality are absent. 3 pts needs attention. Support for conclusions are provided throughout. Comparison of Developed Nations 4 to >3.0 pts 3 to >1.0 pts 1 to >0.0 pts 0 pts Fully Met Partially Met Minimally Met Not Met 1. Compare and Each of the required The student addressed the More than one The section contrast each of the factors is included. required factors, but required factors was is absent or following indicators Statements of statements of comparison omitted in addition to addresses of health in the U.S. to comparison and and contrast are not minimal development material those of comparable contrast are clearly clearly included or are or absence of compare other than nations: (a) chronic included. A unclear in their and contrast what was disease outcomes, (b) connection to the explanation. statements.United States Healthcare System Essay
Specialty required. hospital-related care student’s specialty Alternatively, the student area may or may not or patient safety area is made in may have omitted have been included. outcomes, (c) life relation to at least discussion of their Significant exclusion expectancy, and (d) one of the factors. specialty area. Relevant of relevant figures. mortality rate. Current figures are current figures may be 2. At least one of included. lacking. 4 pts these relates to specialty area. Economic Comparison 1. Discussion of each 4 to >3.0 pts 3 to >1.0 pts 1 to >0.0 pts 0 pts of the following Fully Met Partially Met Minimaly Met Not Met economic figures are Each of the required The student addressed More than one The section discussed: (a) gross factors is included. the required factors, but required factors was is absent or domestic product, (b) Statements of statements of omitted in addition to addresses healthcare comparison and comparison and minimal development material expenditure per contrast are clearly contrast are not clearly or absence of compare other than capita, (c) spending included and included or are unclear and contrast what was priorities, and (d) explanations are clear in their explanation. statements. Significant required. cost sharing. and thorough. Current Additional use of exclusion of relevant 2. Statements of figures are included. relevant figures may be figures. compare and 4 pts needed. contrast are included.United States Healthcare System Essay
Current Issues and Sustainability 1. The student 2.5 to >2.0 pts 2 to >1.0 pts 1 to >0.0 pts 0 pts chooses and Fully Met Partially Met Minimally Met Not Met discusses one of the The section is fully An aspect of the The instruction The section following AS FULLY developed, answering each information is prompt is only is absent or EXPRESSED IN THE of the posed questions in the unclear or lacking in partially or addresses DIRECTIONS: (a) the instructions for the chosen support or minimally material individual mandate, letter. Work is well development. addressed with other than (b) infant/maternal supported with relevant data Relevant connections insufficient what was morbidity/mortality as applicable and peer- that add to the depth support and required and birth rate/aging, reviewed references. The to the work are be development. (c) non-legal student demonstrates lacking. immigrants, (d) graduate-level depth and healthcare analysis of the topic. 2.5 pt innovation, (e) universal healthcare. Learning Outcome U.S. Health Disparities 2.5 to >2.0 pts 2 to >1.0 pts 1 to >0.0 pts 0 pts Fully Met Partially Met Minimally Met Not Met 2.5 pt 1. Summary of the current status of healthcare disparities in the U.S. and their causes. 2. Statements of comparison and contrast to other nations included. Conclusion 1. Conclusion Range threshold: pts The student both The discussion of The causes of health The section describes current health health disparities does disparities are not is absent or disparities and identifies not consistently consistently addresses reasons for their include clear identified and material existence. Explanations explanations of explanations of their other than for how those causative causation. Support effects are not what was factors lead to disparities could be improved or included. Support and required. are included. Comparison comparison statements of to other nations is statements may be comparison may be included. Section is well lacking in minimally developed developed and supported. development. or absent. Edit ratingDelete rating 1 to >0.5 pts Fully Met The major points of the paper are summarized in one (1) paragraph. No new information or references are included in this section. Scholarship 1. Scholarly writing skills and APA Edit ratingDelete format. Additional rating 2 to >1.5 pts deductions for Proficient scholarship may The student’s occur up to 20%. 2. United States Healthcare System Essay