Watch the Love Canal and Santa Clara Water District
Watch the Love Canal and Santa Clara Water District
Love Canal happened in the late 1970’s and early 1980’s. It resulted in a major Environmental Protection Act (EPA) called CERCLA or Superfund.
After watching the videos and reviewing the information posted on Superfund (Attached) in the PowerPoint of the website, answer the following questions:
1) Who was Lois Gibbs and what was her role in the Love Canal event?
2) What was the main chemical found at Love Canal. What health issues does that chemical cause?
3) What are the major issues you see with the Love Canal case study? How did it happen and who specifically do you think is to blame?
4) What could and should have been done to keep Love Canal from happening?
5) What specifically does the Superfund Act accomplish? Do you think it is effective?
6) Love Canal has supposedly been cleaned up? Do you think it is?
7) After watching the video on the Santa Clara County Water District, how do you feel about their ability to clean and use contaminated water? Do you have any concerns?
8) We all love our new technological products developed in Silicon Valley. Do you have any concerns that the chemicals used in the manufacturing process of semiconductors and computer chip technology back in the 1980’s can have an impact on our health today? Why or why not? Do some research and state your sources
Assignment #2:
Sustainable Cities Assignment.
There are over 326 Cities in the world with populations greater than 1 Million people each. A number of issues are associated with large cities. There are environmental issues, economic issues and issues that affect people and social equity.
Watch the videos on the class website and review the PowerPoint presentation on the class website. In addition, do some light research on “issues associated with large cities”
1) Describe in detail THREE environmental issues caused by large cities.
2) List and describe THREE sustainable solutions that address these problems.
3) Describe TWO Social Justice issues and TWO Economic issues associated with large cities.
4) How SPECIFICALLY do the solutions you’ve provided positively address ALL aspects of the sustainability triangle or triple bottom line (Environment, Equity, Economy) ?
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